
In order to install SPATA with all its dependencies in the right order enter the following commands.


if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)){

BiocManager::install(c('BiocGenerics', 'DelayedArray', 'DelayedMatrixStats',
                       'limma', 'S4Vectors', 'SingleCellExperiment',
                       'SummarizedExperiment', 'batchelor', 'Matrix.utils'))


devtools::install_github(repo = 'satijalab/seurat', ref = 'develop')

devtools::install_github(repo = "kueckelj/confuns")
devtools::install_github(repo = "theMILOlab/SPATA")


Create a spata-object

The center of the spata-package is an S4-object of class spata. The easiest way to create one from scratch with your data is via SPATA::createSpataObject_10X(). Behind the scenes it loads the necessary count-matrix as well as the histology image from the folder(s) you obtain from 10X Visium. It performs a variety of computations e.g. count normalization, dimensionality reduction, clustering while relying on gold-standard functions of the Seurat-package.


# create a spata-object from scratch
spata_obj <-
  initiateSpataObject_10X(input_paths = c("your/paths/to/10Xvisium-folders"), sample_names = c("265_C"))

# if you want to save a spata object from your session use
saveSpataObject(object = spata_obj,
                output_path = "data", # e.g. a folder named 'data'
                file_name = "example") 

# in order to load a spata object use 
spata_obj <- loadSpataObject(input_path = "data/spata-obj-example.RDS")

Adjust your gene-set data.frame

Make sure to adjust your gene-set data.frame according to your spata-object’s count matrix.

Validate your spata-object

initiateSpataObject_10X() returns the assembled object and saves it automatically under the specified direction of argument output_path. In order to load a previously created spata-object use loadSpataObject(). We are doing our best to prevent you from getting uninformative, frustrating error-messages if something went wrong. If it happens nevertheless make sure to run validateSpataObject() to obtain a detailed summary about which of the slots are valid and which might harbor some flaws.

# obtain a report about your object's integrity 
# (we artificially discarded the TSNE slot)
## Could not find slots: 'scvelo', 'version'. Can not validate slots that do not exist.
## Slot 'coordinates': 
## Valid!
## --------------------------------------------------
## Slot 'data': 
## Valid!
## --------------------------------------------------
## Slot 'dim_red': 
## TSNE data.frame is empty.
## --------------------------------------------------
## Slot 'fdata': 
## Valid!
## --------------------------------------------------
## Slot 'image': 
## Valid!
## --------------------------------------------------
## Slot 'samples': 
## Valid!
## --------------------------------------------------
## Slot 'trajectories': 
## -----------------------------------
## Of sample: 265_C
## No trajectories.
## --------------------------------------------------
## Slot 'used_genesets': 
## Valid!
## --------------------------------------------------