The tidyverse is a collection of R-packages that provide consistent tools to work with data.frames in a tidy-data fashion. SPATA attempts to provide it’s results in a way that you can leverage the power of these tools. The following two examples are supposed to give insight in our approaches and to highlight the use of SPATA’s joinWith-family in combination with the tidyverse.

Example 1: Four states

Neftel et al. 2019 (Figure 3) suggested an integrative model which assigned glioblastoma-cells into four different states according to the results of the conducted gene expression analysis. The distribution of these states was displayed in a scatterplot in which each dot represented a cell and the dot’s position represented it’s differentiation level towards these defined states. The concept of this visualization technique is manifested in the SPATA-function plotFourStates() and can be emulated with just a handful of tidyverse-functions.

#load packages

# load glioblastoma sample
spata_obj <- loadSpataObject("data/spata-obj-four-states-example.RDS")

# the respective states were stored in the gene-set data.frame via addGeneSets()
neftel_states <- c("Neftel_OPClike","Neftel_NPClike2", "Neftel_AClike", "Neftel_Mes_Comb")

# output 
## [1] "Neftel_OPClike"  "Neftel_NPClike2" "Neftel_AClike"   "Neftel_Mes_Comb"
# display the respective genes
getGenes(object = spata_obj,
         of_gene_sets = neftel_states,
         simplify = FALSE)
## $Neftel_OPClike
##  [1] "BCAN"    "PLP1"    "GPR17"   "FIBIN"   "LHFPL3"  "OLIG1"   "PSAT1"  
##  [8] "SCRG1"   "OMG"     "APOD"    "SIRT2"   "TNR"     "THY1"    "PHYHIPL"
## [15] "NKAIN4"  "PTPRZ1"  "VCAN"    "DBI"     "PMP2"    "CNP"     "TNS3"   
## [22] "LIMA1"   "CA10"    "PCDHGC3" "CNTN1"   "SCD5"    "P2RX7"   "CADM2"  
## [29] "TTYH1"   "FGF12"   "TMEM206" "NEU4"    "FXYD6"   "RNF13"   "RTKN"   
## [36] "GPM6B"   "LMF1"    "ALCAM"   "PGRMC1"  "HRASLS"  "BCAS1"   "RAB31"  
## [43] "PLLP"    "FABP5"   "NLGN3"   "SERINC5" "EPB41L2" "GPR37L1"
## $Neftel_NPClike2
##  [1] "STMN2"        "CD24"         "RND3"         "TUBB3"        "MIAT"        
##  [6] "DCX"          "NSG1"         "ELAVL4"       "MLLT11"       "DLX6-AS1"    
## [11] "SOX11"        "NREP"         "FNBP1L"       "TAGLN3"       "STMN4"       
## [16] "DLX5"         "SOX4"         "MAP1B"        "RBFOX2"       "STMN1"       
## [21] "TMEM161B-AS1" "DPYSL3"       "SEPT3"        "PKIA"         "ATP1B1"      
## [26] "DYNC1I1"      "CD200"        "SNAP25"       "PAK3"         "NDRG4"       
## [31] "KIF5A"        "UCHL1"        "ENO2"         "KIF5C"        "DDAH2"       
## [36] "TUBB2A"       "LBH"          "TCF4"         "GNG3"         "NFIB"        
## [41] "DPYSL5"       "CRABP1"       "DBN1"         "NFIX"         "CEP170"      
## [46] "BLCAP"       
## $Neftel_AClike
##  [1] "CST3"    "S100B"   "SLC1A3"  "HEPN1"   "HOPX"    "MT3"     "SPARCL1"
##  [8] "MLC1"    "GFAP"    "FABP7"   "BCAN"    "PON2"    "METTL7B" "SPARC"  
## [15] "GATM"    "RAMP1"   "PMP2"    "AQP4"    "DBI"     "EDNRB"   "PTPRZ1" 
## [22] "CLU"     "PMP22"   "ATP1A2"  "S100A16" "HEY1"    "PCDHGC3" "TTYH1"  
## [29] "NDRG2"   "PRCP"    "ATP1B2"  "AGT"     "PLTP"    "GPM6B"   "F3"     
## [36] "RAB31"   "ANXA5"   "TSPAN7" 
## $Neftel_Mes_Comb
##  [1] "HILPDA"   "ADM"      "DDIT3"    "NDRG1"    "HERPUD1"  "DNAJB9"  
##  [7] "TRIB3"    "ENO2"     "AKAP12"   "SQSTM1"   "MT1X"     "NAMPT"   
## [13] "NRN1"     "SLC2A1"   "BNIP3"    "LGALS3"   "INSIG2"   "IGFBP3"  
## [19] "PPP1R15A" "VIM"      "PLOD2"    "GBE1"     "SLC2A3"   "FTL"     
## [25] "WARS"     "XPOT"     "HSPA5"    "GDF15"    "ANXA2"    "EPAS1"   
## [31] "LDHA"     "P4HA1"    "SERTAD1"  "PFKP"     "PGK1"     "EGLN3"   
## [37] "SLC6A6"   "CA9"      "BNIP3L"   "TRAM1"    "UFM1"     "ASNS"    
## [43] "GOLT1B"   "ANGPTL4"  "SLC39A14" "CDKN1A"   "HSPA9"    "CHI3L1"  
## [49] "ANXA2"    "ANXA1"    "CD44"     "VIM"      "MT2A"     "C1S"     
## [55] "NAMPT"    "EFEMP1"   "C1R"      "SOD2"     "IFITM3"   "TIMP1"   
## [61] "SPP1"     "A2M"      "S100A11"  "MT1X"     "S100A10"  "FN1"     
## [67] "LGALS1"   "S100A16"  "CLIC1"    "MGST1"    "RCAN1"    "TAGLN2"  
## [73] "NPC2"     "SERPING1" "EMP1"     "APOE"     "CTSB"     "C3"      
## [79] "LGALS3"   "MT1E"     "EMP3"     "SERPINA3" "ACTN1"    "PRDX6"   
## [85] "IGFBP7"   "SERPINE1" "PLP2"     "MGP"      "CLIC4"    "GFPT2"   
## [91] "GSN"      "NNMT"     "TUBA1C"   "GJA1"     "TNFRSF1A" "WWTR1"
# display the states on the surface 
plotSurfaceComparison(object = spata_obj,
                      variables = neftel_states,
                      smooth = TRUE,
                      display_image = TRUE,
                      pt_alpha = 0.5,
                      pt_size = 1.5)
Figure 1.1 Surface plots color according to each of the four cellular states of Neftel et al. 2019.

Figure 1.1 Surface plots color according to each of the four cellular states of Neftel et al. 2019.

1. Assemble the appropriate data.frame

neftel_df <-
  joinWithGeneSets(object = spata_obj,
                   spata_df = getSpataDf(spata_obj),
                   gene_sets = neftel_states)

# output

2. Compute the respective position of every barcode spot

# 1. shift the data.frame
shifted_df <-
      data = neftel_df,
      cols = all_of(neftel_states),
      names_to = "gene_set",
      values_to = "gene_set_expr"

# output
# 2. figure out which of the four states is a barcode's maximum 
#    by filtering for it 
max_localisation <-
  group_by(shifted_df, barcodes) %>%
  filter(gene_set_expr == max(gene_set_expr)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  # rename the remaining gene sets to 'max_gene_set'
  select(barcodes, max_gene_set = gene_set, max_expr = gene_set_expr) %>%
  # assign the vertical localization of the state plot depending on where the maximum occured with a dichotome string
  mutate(max_loc = if_else(max_gene_set %in% neftel_states[1:2], true = "top", false = "bottom"))

# output 
# 3. calculate the x-position 
with_x_positions <-
  # rejoin the data 
  left_join(x = neftel_df, y = max_localisation, by = "barcodes") %>%
  # calculate the position on the x-axis by comparing the respective gene-set expressions
      pos_x = case_when(
        max_loc == "top" & Neftel_OPClike > Neftel_NPClike2 ~ (log2(abs((Neftel_OPClike - Neftel_NPClike2) + 1)) * -1),
        max_loc == "top" & Neftel_NPClike2 > Neftel_OPClike ~ log2(abs((Neftel_NPClike2 - Neftel_OPClike) + 1)),
        max_loc == "bottom" & Neftel_AClike > Neftel_Mes_Comb ~ (log2(abs((Neftel_AClike - Neftel_Mes_Comb) + 1)) * -1),
        max_loc == "bottom" & Neftel_Mes_Comb > Neftel_AClike ~ log2(abs((Neftel_Mes_Comb - Neftel_AClike) + 1)))

# output
# 4. calculate the y-position 
final_df <-
  group_by(.data = with_x_positions, barcodes) %>%
    pos_y = case_when(
      max_loc == "bottom" ~ (log2(abs(max(c(Neftel_AClike, Neftel_Mes_Comb)) - max(Neftel_OPClike, Neftel_NPClike2) + 1)) * -1),
      max_loc == "top" ~ log2(abs(max(c(Neftel_OPClike, Neftel_NPClike2)) - max(Neftel_AClike, Neftel_Mes_Comb) + 1))
  ) %>%
  # filter out na values
  filter(! & !

# output 

3. Plotting with ggplot2

Once the data-wrangling part is done we can plot the data. Note that the output data.frame is still a tidy spata-data.frame. To display the seurat_clusters-feauture as well we need to join it to our data.

  final_df <- joinWith(spata_obj,
                       spata_df = final_df,
                       features = "seurat_clusters")

  max <- max(abs(final_df$pos_x), abs(final_df$pos_y))

  ggplot(data = final_df) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", color = "lightgrey") +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0,  linetype = "dashed", color = "lightgrey") +
    # map the calculated positions on the x- and y-aesthetic
    geom_point(mapping = aes(x = pos_x, y = pos_y, color = seurat_clusters, shape = max_gene_set),
                        size = 1.5, alpha = 0.75, data = final_df) +
    scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-max*1.1, max*1.1), expand = c(0,0)) +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-max*1.1, max*1.1), expand = c(0,0)) +
    scale_color_add_on(clrp = "npg", variable = "discrete") +
    theme_bw() +
      panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
    ) +
    labs(x = NULL, y = NULL, color = "Seurat Clusters", shape = "Max. Expr.")
Figure 1.2 The barcode spots relocated according to their differentation.

Figure 1.2 The barcode spots relocated according to their differentation.

# Surface plot in comparison (compare with Figure 1.1)
plotSurface(object = spata_obj, color_to = "seurat_clusters", pt_clrp = "npg")
Figure 1.2 The barcode spots relocated according to their differentation.

Figure 1.2 The barcode spots relocated according to their differentation.

Example 2 - Handling Spatial Trajectories

The loaded spata-object contains spatial-expression data about a brain slice going through all 6 cortical layers of the central nervous system (CNS-layers). Additionally it contains a spatial trajectory that we have drawn with createTrajectories() through all those layers and therefore called cns-layers. According to Seurat’s clustering algorithm the barcode-spots cluster together in an expected way - representing the CNS-layers - as shown in the figures below.

plotSurface(spata_obj_cns, color_to = "seurat_clusters", pt_clrp = "npg")

               trajectory_name = "cns-layers",
               color_to = "seurat_clusters",
               display_image = FALSE,
               pt_alpha = 0.4,
               pt_clrp = "npg",
               sgmt_size = 1.5) +
  theme(legend.position = "none")
Figure 2.1 A trajectory drawn through all cortical layers of the central nervous systemFigure 2.1 A trajectory drawn through all cortical layers of the central nervous system

Figure 2.1 A trajectory drawn through all cortical layers of the central nervous system

Let’s try and give our data a directional component using basic functions of the tidyverse.

1. Extracting data

At first we need to extract the respective data from our spata-object and join it with the information we need. A compiled trajectory data.frame contains information about the position of barcode-spots with respect to the trajectory of interest.

cns_trajectory <- getTrajectoryObject(spata_obj_cns, trajectory_name = "cns-layers")

compiled_trajectory_df <- cns_trajectory@compiled_trajectory_df

# output

2. Join with information

We are interested to work with the seurat-clusters information and we therefore need to join our data.frame with this variable. Although compiled_trajectory_df already contains variables (whoose meaning we explain down below) it still contains the variables barcodes and sample and it is thus a perfectly valid input for argument spata_df of the joinWith()-function.

joined_df <- joinWith(spata_obj_cns, spata_df = compiled_trajectory_df, features = "seurat_clusters")

# output

3. Apply dplyr::mutate()

The variable projection_length refers to the distance between a barcode-spot’s orthogonal projection onto the trajectory and the beginning of the trajectory. Rounding these projection-length values with a given accuracyeffectively bins the barcode-spots in small groups according to their position of the trajectory’s progress. dplyr::mutate() comes in handy to easily create two new variables.

plot_df <-
  mutate(.data = joined_df,
                order_binned = plyr::round_any(x = projection_length, accuracy = 5, f = floor),
                trajectory_order = stringr::str_c(trajectory_part, order_binned, sep = "_"))

# output 

4. Plotting with ggplot2

The functions applied did not change the fact that an observation in plot_df still refers to a barcode spot and the variables of the data.frame still refer to the information we have about each barcode-spot.

ggplot(data = plot_df) +
  geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = trajectory_order, fill = seurat_clusters), position = "fill", width = .9) +
  scale_color_add_on(aes = "fill", clrp = "npg", variable = "discrete") +
  theme_minimal() +
    axis.text.x = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
    axis.line.x = element_line(arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.1, "inches"))),
    panel.grid = element_blank(),
    legend.position = "bottom"
  ) +
  labs(x = "Trajectory Direction",
                y = NULL,
                fill = "Seurat Clusters")
Figure 2.2 Distribution of cluster belonging along the CNS-trajectory

Figure 2.2 Distribution of cluster belonging along the CNS-trajectory

5. Continue analysis and plotting

Once extracted our data.frame can be expanded infinitely. While you can leverage all you programming skills within or outside of the tidyverse SPATA offers a variety of plotting functions that work with extracted, customized data.frames - usually denoted with a 2-suffix.

genes_of_interest <- c("HOPX", "OLIG1", "GFAP", "CCK")

df_with_genes <-
  joinWith(spata_obj_cns, spata_df = plot_df, genes = genes_of_interest) %>%
  select(-order_binned, -projection_length)#discard currently useless variables

plotDistributionAcross2(df = filter(df_with_genes, trajectory_part %in% c("Part 1", "Part 2", "Part 3")),
                        variables = "all", # gene variables are the only numeric variables left
                        across = "seurat_clusters",
                        clrp = "npg") +
  theme(legend.position = "top") +
  labs(caption = "First three parts of trajectory")

plotDistributionAcross2(df = filter(df_with_genes, trajectory_part %in% c("Part 4", "Part 5", "Part 6")),
                        variables = "all", # gene variables are the only numeric variables left
                        across = "seurat_clusters",
                        clrp = "npg") +
  theme(legend.position = "top") +
  labs(caption = "Last three parts of trajectory")
Figure 2.3 Easy application of dplyr's select() and filter()Figure 2.3 Easy application of dplyr's select() and filter()

Figure 2.3 Easy application of dplyr’s select() and filter()