Takes the count matrix of your spata-object and creates a cell_data_set-object with it. See details for more information on how to use the arguments.

  preprocess_method = "PCA",
  reduction_method = c("PCA", "UMAP"),
  cluster_method = "leiden",
  estimate_size_factors_args = list(),
  preprocess_cds_args = list(),
  reduce_dimension_args = list(),
  cluster_cells_args = list(),
  learn_graph_args = list(),
  order_cells_args = list(),
  save_cds_file = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE



A valid spata-object.


Monocle3 - description:

A string specifying the initial dimension method to use, currently either PCA or LSI. For LSI (latent semantic indexing), it converts the (sparse) expression matrix into tf-idf matrix and then performs SVD to decompose the gene expression / cells into certain modules / topics. Default is "PCA".


Monocle3 - description:

A character string specifying the algorithm to use for dimensionality reduction. Currently "UMAP", "tSNE", "PCA" and "LSI" are supported.


Monocle3 - description:

String indicating the clustering method to use. Options are "louvain" or "leiden". Default is "leiden". Resolution parameter is ignored if set to "louvain".


A list of arguments given to monocle3::estimate_size_factors().


A list of arguments given to monocle3::preprocess_cds().


A list of arguments given to monocle3::reduce_dimension().


A list of arguments given to monocle3::cluster_cells().


A list of arguments given to monocle3::learn_graph().


A list of arguments given to monocle3::order_cells().


Character value or NULL. A file-directory (that does not already exists) under which created cell_data_set-object is saved. Should end with '.RDS'.


Logical. If set to TRUE informative messages regarding the computational progress will be printed.

(Warning messages will always be printed.)


A monocle3::cell_data_set object.


compileCellDataSet() is a convenient wrapper around all pre processing functions monocle3 provides to handle it's core object - the cell_data_set - after it's initiation. Apart from unique arguments this function has two argument families, denoted with _method and _args.

Handling _method-arguments:

Monocle3 allows to use different methods for dimensional-reduction or clustering which depend on each other. These arguments take a character vector of all valid inputs. compileCellDataSet() iterates over all valid combinations and returns the cell_data_set with the computed information inside.

Handling _args-arguments.

These arguments take named lists of arguments that are given to the respective function. The _method-arguments as well as the argument cds are automatically defined and must not be included in the given lists!!! Empty lists - the default - result in running the function with it's default parameters.

The spata-objects feature data (@fdata) is passed to the cell_data_set for it's slot cell_meta_data