1. Introduction

Make sure to be familiar with the tutorials about Differential Expression Analysis and Molecular Variables. For a deeper into the results of the DEA one can look for gene sets that are enriched in the proposed clustering or created based on histology. SPATA2 implements the hypeR package which uses hypergeometric testing for enriched gene sets.

# load required packages

# load SPATA2 inbuilt example data
object_t269 <- loadExampleObject("UKF269T", process = TRUE, meta = TRUE)

# plot histology 
plotSurface(object_t269, color_by = "histology", pt_clrp = "npg")

# plot bayes space cluster
plotSurface(object_t269, color_by = "bayes_space", pt_clrp = "uc")

2. Running Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA)

The function runGSEA() conducts the computation. It requires the results from runDEA() which conducts the differential expressiona nalysis. By default, the function uses all gene sets that are saved in the SPATA2 object. If there are gene sets that you don’t want to test against you can provide a subsetted list of gene sets. The default example object object_t269 has been created with initiateSpataObjectVisium() and contains a variety of gene sets of multiple classes (Hallmark, Biocarta, etc.) marked with a corresponding prefix like HM or BC.

gs_list <- getGeneSetList(object_t269) 

##  [1] "IFNG"    "TNFSF9"  "IL4"     "NFKBIA"  "TNFRSF9" "IL2"     "MAP4K5" 
##  [8] "MAPK8"   "MAP3K5"  "CHUK"    "MAPK14"  "RELA"    "TRAF2"   "ATF2"   
## [15] "IKBKB"   "NFKB1"   "MAP3K1"  "JUN"    
##  [1] "REN"    "COL4A1" "AGT"    "CMA1"   "COL4A6" "ACE2"   "ACE"    "COL4A5"
##  [9] "AGTR2"  "AGTR1"  "COL4A2" "COL4A3" "COL4A4"
## [1] "CYP1A2" "CYP2E1" "PTGS2"  "PTGS1"  "NR1I3" 
##  [1] "FASLG"  "PIK3CG" "RAPSN"  "PIK3R1" "FOXO3"  "YWHAH"  "CHRNG"  "CHRNB1"
##  [9] "BAD"    "PTK2B"  "TERT"   "MUSK"   "AKT1"   "PIK3CA"
##  [1] "ACTA1"  "WASF1"  "PSMA7"  "NTRK1"  "RAC1"   "WASF2"  "ABI2"   "NCK1"  
##  [9] "PIR"    "NCKAP1" "WASF3"  "WASL"  
##  [1] "GRK4"    "GNAS"    "PRKACG"  "PRKAR1A" "PRKAR2B" "PRKCB"   "PRKACB" 
##  [8] "ARRB1"   "PRKAR1B" "PRKCA"   "PRKAR2A"
## [1] 11654

For the sake of clarity, this example only uses Biocarta (BC) and Hallmark (HM) gene sets.

# subset gene sets that start with HM or BC
gs_list_sub <- getGeneSetList(object_t269, class = c("BC", "HM"))

## [1] 339
sample(gs_list_sub, size = 3)
##  [1] "JAG1"    "NOTCH3"  "NOTCH2"  "APH1A"   "HES1"    "CCND1"   "FZD1"   
##  [8] "PSEN2"   "FZD7"    "DTX1"    "DLL1"    "FZD5"    "MAML2"   "NOTCH1" 
## [15] "PSENEN"  "WNT5A"   "CUL1"    "WNT2"    "DTX4"    "SAP30"   "PPARD"  
## [22] "KAT2A"   "HEYL"    "SKP1"    "RBX1"    "TCF7L2"  "ARRB1"   "LFNG"   
## [29] "PRKCA"   "DTX2"    "ST3GAL6" "FBXW11" 
##  [1] "HDAC2"  "HDAC1"  "CALM1"  "MEF2D"  "CAPN2"  "NFATC2" "PPP3CA" "PRKCB" 
##  [9] "CALM2"  "PPP3CB" "CAPNS1" "CALM3"  "CABIN1" "EP300"  "PRKCA"  "NFATC1"
## [17] "CAPNS2" "PPP3CC"
##  [1] "SMARCD1" "NF1"     "NR3C1"   "SMARCC2" "SMARCA4" "ARID1A"  "SMARCC1"
##  [8] "ACTB"    "SMARCB1" "TBP"     "GTF2A1"  "SMARCE1"

Use argument signatures if you want to run GSEA only on a subset of gene sets. Keep it empty if you want to test against all gene sets stored in the SPATA2 object_t269.

object_t269 <- 
    object = object_t269,
    across = "histology", 
    background = 21563, 
    signatures = gs_list_sub

3. Extracting results

The results can be manually extracted via the following functions. getGseaResults() extracts a list of hypeR object_t269s - on for each group. getGseaResultsDf() extracts a data.frame that results from merging the data of all hypeR object_t269s together. The group belonging of each gene set is saved in the variable/column that is named according to the grouping variable - here histology.

  object = object_t269, 
  across = "histology",
  method_de = "wilcox", 
  n_gsets = 3 # extract top 20 most significant gene sets
## # A tibble: 9 × 10
## # Groups:   histology [3]
##   histology   label     pval      fdr signature geneset overlap background hits 
##   <fct>       <fct>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <int>   <int>   <int>      <dbl> <chr>
## 1 tumor       HM_E… 8.60e-43 1   e-38      5082     200     143      20000 AURK…
## 2 tumor       HM_I… 3.60e-35 2.10e-31      5082     196     132      20000 STAT…
## 3 tumor       HM_G… 1.3 e-30 5.20e-27      5082     196     126      20000 AURK…
## 4 transition  MF.G… 2.40e- 9 2.70e- 5      1192     200      36      20000 CHD1…
## 5 transition  BP.G… 6   e- 9 2.8 e- 5      1192     856      94      20000 TANK…
## 6 transition  HM_E… 8.40e- 9 2.8 e- 5      1192     200      35      20000 DNMT…
## 7 infiltrated CC.G… 3.80e-54 4.50e-50      1950    1332     315      20000 CDH8…
## 8 infiltrated BP.G… 1.90e-42 1.10e-38      1950     733     198      20000 CDH8…
## 9 infiltrated CC.G… 1.4 e-32 5.40e-29      1950    1317     266      20000 HDAC…
## # ℹ 1 more variable: overlap_perc <dbl>

4. Plotting results

Gene set enrichment results can be visualized via dot plots. This can be either done by group with by_group = TRUE or merged for all groups. Figure 2 visualizes the enrichment for cluster 0 and 5 highlighting the hypoxia associated activity in this area.

  object = object_t269,
  across = "histology",
  across_subset = c("tumor", "infiltrated"),
  n_gsets = 10,
  by_group = TRUE, 
  transform_with = list(fdr = log10),
  nrow = 2

Using by_group = FALSE, the results are merged to one plot.

  object = object_t269,
  across = "histology",
  color_by = "histology",
  n_gsets = 7,
  pt_alpha = 0.8,
  transform_with = list(fdr = log10),
  by_group = FALSE # merge in one plot