1. Introduction

While SPATA2 provides functions to initiate SPATA2 objects with standardized output from common platforms like Visium or MERFISH, you can initiate a SPATA2 object from scratch with individual data as long as your data meets the following criteria:

  1. There must be a clearly identified and quantifiable unit of data like gene- or protein expression, metabolite counts.
  2. There must be a clearly identified observational unit to which the data is mapped like barcoded spots, single cells or beads.
  3. There must be numeric information about the position of each observation in 2D space in form of x- and y- coordinates.

Everything else is optional. This tutorial guides you through the required steps and best practices.

2. Initiate the object

The function to use is initiateSpataObject(). Minimal requirements to actually create a SPATA2 object include:

  1. Input for sample_name: A character value which names your object.
  2. Input for modality: A character value which best describes the molecular modality you have data for. Read more here.
  3. Input for count_mtr: A numeric m x n matrix with rownames corresponding to molecule names and column names corresponding to the identifiers of your observations, in SPATA2 terms: the barcodes.
  4. Input for coords_df: A data.frame with at least three variables. barcodes, x or x_orig and y or y_orig.

2.1 With minimal requirements

This code chunks creates a SPATA2 object from scratch with minimal requirements.

## use SPATA2 intern example data

count_mtr <- example_data$count_mtr
coords_df <- example_data$coords_df

# show count mtr structure
count_mtr[1:5, 1:5]
## 5 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
## MT1X                   1                  2                  3
## ADM                    .                  1                  1
## IGKC                   .                  .                  .
## VEGFA                  1                  .                  .
## DDIT3                  1                  1                  1
## MT1X                   2                  3
## ADM                    .                  .
## IGKC                   .                  .
## VEGFA                  .                  1
## DDIT3                  1                  .
# show coords data.frame structure
## # A tibble: 3,733 × 3
##    barcodes           x_orig y_orig
##    <chr>               <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 AAACAAGTATCTCCCA-1   435.  226. 
##  2 AAACACCAATAACTGC-1   132.  171. 
##  3 AAACAGAGCGACTCCT-1   407.  455. 
##  4 AAACAGCTTTCAGAAG-1    96   273  
##  5 AAACAGGGTCTATATT-1   110.  247. 
##  6 AAACAGTGTTCCTGGG-1   219.   81.8
##  7 AAACATTTCCCGGATT-1   416.  157. 
##  8 AAACCGGGTAGGTACC-1   165.  279. 
##  9 AAACCGTTCGTCCAGG-1   216.  215. 
## 10 AAACCTAAGCAGCCGG-1   365.  132. 
## # ℹ 3,723 more rows
object_minimal <- 
    sample_name = "my_object", # req. a
    modality = "gene", # req. b
    count_mtr = count_mtr, # req. c
    coords_df = coords_df # req. d

# left plot

# right plot
plotSurface(object_minimal, color_by = "METRN")

2.2 Including images

You can either register images after creating the object or do it during the initiation. Whether you have it in your global environment or whether you read it from a directory, the image should be compatible with the EBImage package - which is the case for almost all images. If you use img_dir the directory of the image is stored, too, so you can conveniently switch between images if you have registered multiple.

2.2.1 Aligned images

# get an image from the example data (or read in your own)
img_normres <- example_data$img_normres

## [1] 576 600   3
# initiate the object with an image
object_init_with_img <- 
    sample_name = "my_object", 
    modality = "gene", 
    count_mtr = count_mtr, 
    coords_df = coords_df, 
    img = img_normres, # provide the image
    img_name = "norm_res" # name the image

# register the image afterwards
object_minimal <- 
    object = object_minimal, # object from previous code chunk
    img = img_normres, 
    img_name = "norm_res",
    unload = FALSE

# both result in the same output

# left plot
plotSurface(object_init_with_img, display_image = T) 

# right plot
plotSurface(object_minimal, display_image = T) 

2.2.2 Not-aligned images

What if your image is not aligned with the coordinates of your observations which are stored in the coords_df? There are two kinds of problems that could arise.

Bad Scaling

One problem could be that the x- and y-coordinates of coords_df are scaled to a different resolution than the image. In the example below, the SPATA2 object is initiated with an image that is smaller in dimensions compared to the scaling of the coordinates of the observations.

# an image
img_lowres <- example_data$img_lowres
## [1] "Image"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "EBImage"

# dimensions lowres image
## [1] 200 208   3

# dimensions coordinates
coords_df <- getCoordsDf(object_minimal)

# maxima of x- and y-coordinates surpass their respective image axes
map(.x = coords_df[,c("x", "y")], .f = range)
## $x
## [1]  70.32 485.76
## $y
## [1]  74.16 513.24

object_badly_scaled <- 
    sample_name = "my_object", 
    modality = "gene", 
    count_mtr = count_mtr, 
    coords_df = coords_df, 
    img = img_lowres, 
    img_name = "lowres" 

# the plotted observations -> bad alignment
# left plot (axes range is scaled to observation range by default)
plotSurface(object_badly_scaled, pt_clr = "red", display_image = T) + 

# right plot with increased axes scale 
plotSurface(object_badly_scaled, pt_clr = "red", display_image = T, xrange = c(0, 600), yrange = c(0, 600)) + 

In this case a scale factor is needed.

# compute an image scale factor (or obtain it otherwise)
isf <- max(dim(img_lowres)) / max(dim(img_normres))

## [1] 0.3466667

object_well_scaled <- 
    sample_name = "my_object", 
    modality = "gene", 
    count_mtr = count_mtr, 
    coords_df = coords_df, 
    img = img_lowres, 
    img_name = "lowres", 
    scale_factors = list(image = isf) # provide the scale factor!

# the image scale factor is used to scale the coordinates to the image that
# is currently active, which is the image 'lowres' since object_well_scaled contains
# only that
plotSurface(object_well_scaled, pt_clr = "red", display_image = T) + 

Bad justification

If the image needs additional justification in terms horizontal or vertical translation, rotation or stretching, please refer to the vignette on image handling.

# for some image adjustments

# mess up the image justification
img_bad_just <- 
  flip(example_data$img_normres) %>% 
  rotate(angle = 47, bg.col = "white") %>% 
  translate(v = c(20, 55), bg.col = "white")
# initiate the SPATA2 object with it
object_bad_just <- 
    sample_name = "my_object", 
    modality = "gene", 
    count_mtr = count_mtr, 
    coords_df = coords_df, 
    img = img_bad_just, 
    img_name = "bad_just"

plotSurface(object_bad_just, pt_clr = "red", display_image = T)

3. SI units and the pixel scale factor

In SPATA2, the pixel scale factor is used to transform the coordinates from pixel (or loose numeric values) to SI units. It is a numeric value that comes with an attribute which indicates the SI unit to which the pixel- or the loose numeric value - is scaled (e.g. mm / px). It is applied after the coordinates have been scaled to the image resolution.

Note, that the name pixel scale factor has evolved historically, since SPATA2 was developed with the Visium platform in mind. The term does not fit perfectly for platforms such as MERFISH or Xenium experiments since they do not provide an image and the coordinates are provided in SI units (despite being dealt with as simple numeric values in R). A more fitting name would be loose-numeric-value-to-SI-factor - that’s quite long, though. Furthermore, the SI unit system of SPATA2 works stable and we don’t want to touch it. Therefore, the name pixel scale factor remains.

# we computed that beforehand...
psf <- 0.01368328
attr(psf, which = "unit") <- "mm/px"

  # this is the scale factor MERFISH and Xenium objects are inititated with
  # since the coordinates already come in um units
  psf <- 1
  attr(psf, which = "unit") <- "um/px"

# usage of the pixel scale factor translated: 
# multiply the x- and y-coordinates with this factor to obtain 
# x- and y-coordinates in mm scale
## [1] 0.01368328
## attr(,"unit")
## [1] "mm/px"

object_advanced <- 
    sample_name = "my_object", 
    modality = "gene", 
    count_mtr = count_mtr, 
    coords_df = coords_df, 
    img = img_normres, # provide the image
    img_name = "norm_res", # name the image
    scale_factors = list(pixel = psf) # the pixel scale factor for image norm_res

# object_advanced has been created with a pixel scale factor
containsScaleFactor(object_advanced, fct_name = "pixel")
## [1] TRUE

# object_minimal has not (!) been created with a pixel scale factor
containsScaleFactor(object_minimal, fct_name = "pixel")
## [1] FALSE

# note how the factor works for all kinds of  units
getPixelScaleFactor(object_advanced, unit = "um")
## [1] 13.68328
## attr(,"unit")
## [1] "um/px"

The pixel scale factor must not necessarily be provided. The function computePixelScaleFactor() can compute it if a certain criteria is met. Namely that there is a fixed center-to-center distance inherent to the method or platform that underlies the data set, as is the case for the Visium platform. For that, we need the SpatialMethod class.

4. The spatial method

So far we have created SPATA2 objects without giving any thought to the spatial method underlying the data. However, the spatial method or platform based on which the data was created often contains specifics that are important and useful for some functions. SPATA2 stores information around that in an S4 object of class SpatialMethod. In case of initiateSpataObject() which does not read data from a predefined platform but with individual data the argument spatial_method defaults to ‘Undefined’. The SpatialMethod class provides information about the experiment set up and tells certain functions whether it is valid to use them with your data set or not.

# show overview
## SPATA2 object of size: 3733 x 2000 (undefined observations x molecules)
## Sample name: my_object 
## Platform: Undefined 
## Molecular assays (1):
## 1. Assay
##  Molecular modality: gene
##  Distinct molecules: 2000
##  Matrices (1):
##  -counts (active)
## Images (1):
## - norm_res (576x600 px, active)
## Meta variables (1): sample

4.1 The concept

You can read more about this class with SpatialMethod. Every platform known to SPATA2 has such a SpatialMethod object defined. Consider the object for the Visium platform with the 6.5mm x 6.5mm capture area, in SPATA2 referred to as VisiumSmall.

# show the class
## [1] "SpatialMethod"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "SPATA2"
# show the slot names 
## [1] "capture_area"       "info"               "method_specifics"  
## [4] "name"               "unit"               "observational_unit"
## [7] "version"
# show the content of each slot as a list 
## $capture_area
## list()
## $info
## list()
## $method_specifics
## $method_specifics$capture_area_frame
## $method_specifics$capture_area_frame$x
## [1] "0.75mm" "7.25mm"
## $method_specifics$capture_area_frame$y
## [1] "0.75mm" "7.25mm"
## $method_specifics$ccd
## [1] "100um"
## $method_specifics$diameter
## [1] "55um"
## $method_specifics$fiducial_frame
## $method_specifics$fiducial_frame$x
## [1] "0mm" "8mm"
## $method_specifics$fiducial_frame$y
## [1] "0mm" "8mm"
## $name
## [1] "VisiumSmall"
## $unit
## [1] "mm"
## $observational_unit
## [1] "spot"
## $version
## $version$major
## [1] 3
## $version$minor
## [1] 0
## $version$patch
## [1] 0
# contrast this with the spatial method with which 
# undefined SPATA2 objects are created by default
## $capture_area
## list()
## $info
## list()
## $method_specifics
## list()
## $name
## [1] "Undefined"
## $unit
## [1] "px"
## $observational_unit
## [1] "undefined observation"
## $version
## $version$major
## [1] 3
## $version$minor
## [1] 0
## $version$patch
## [1] 0

Depending on the content of this object, in particular the slot @method_specifics, certain functions in SPATA2 work with you data and certain functions do not. For instance, if information about the center-to-center distance in slot @method_specifics$ccd is missing the function computePixelScaleFactor() does not work, since it needs the center-to-center distance.

4.2 Create it yourself

To create a valid SpatialMethod object, you need only three aspects: the observational unit, the name of the method and the default unit. Everything else is optional.

sp_method <- 
    observational_unit = "spot", 
    name = "MyPlatform",
    unit = "mm", 
    method_specifics = list("ccd" = "100um") # optional  

# create a SPATA2 object with a defined spatial method
object_advanced <- 
    sample_name = "my_object", 
    modality = "gene", 
    count_mtr = count_mtr, 
    coords_df = coords_df, 
    img = img_normres, 
    img_name = "norm_res", 
    spatial_method = sp_method

# the platform appears in the overview
## SPATA2 object of size: 3733 x 2000 (spots x molecules)
## Sample name: my_object 
## Platform: MyPlatform 
## Molecular assays (1):
## 1. Assay
##  Molecular modality: gene
##  Distinct molecules: 2000
##  Matrices (1):
##  -counts (active)
## Images (1):
## - norm_res (576x600 px, active)
## Meta variables (1): sample
# the SPATA2 object contains information about the spatial method underlying its data
# which qualifies it for automatic computation of the pixel scale factor
## [1] TRUE
object_advanced <- computePixelScaleFactor(object_advanced)

# looks familiar?
getPixelScaleFactor(object_advanced, unit = "mm")
## [1] 0.01368328
## attr(,"unit")
## [1] "mm/px"