1. Introduction

This tutorial demonstrates how to load and preprocess MERFISH data in SPATA2 using the initiateSpataObjectMERFISH() function. The required files are a cell-by-gene matrix (cell_by_gene.csv) and cell metadata (cell_metadata.csv) from the MERFISH output folder. The function can be adjusted for custom files, see ?initiateSpataObjectMERFISH().

2. Load data

Here, we are using an exemplary mouse brain dataset from the Vizgen Data Release V1.0, Slice 2, Replicate 3, downloaded 08/2023. The dataset for this tutorial can be downloaded here.


# initiate the object from a folder directory
object <-
     directory_merfish = "data/tutorial_initiate_merfish", # adjust to your liking
     sample_name = "Slice2_Replicate3"

# output object
## An object of class SPATA2
## Sample: Slice2_Replicate3 
## Size: 85958 x 649 (cells x molecules)
## Memory: 179.16 Mb
## Platform: MERFISH 
## Molecular assays (1):
## 1. Assay
##  Molecular modality: gene
##  Distinct molecules: 649
##  Matrices (1):
##  -counts (active)
## Meta variables (3): sample, original_barcodes, tissue_section

We obtained a SPATA2 object with 85,958 cells and 649 genes. The count matrix looks as follows:

# extract count matrix
count_mtr <- getCountMatrix(object)

# show results
## 6 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
##         cell_1 cell_2 cell_3 cell_4 cell_5
## Htr5a        .      .      .      .      .
## Htr5b        .      .      .      .      .
## Htr6         .      .      .      .      .
## Htr7         .      1      .      .      .
## Adora1       .      .      .      .      .
## Adora2a      .      .      .      .      .

3. Spatial processing

First, we correct the slight tilt.

object <- rotateCoordinates(object, angle = 6)

Next, we plot the tissue outline. This has been computed via identifyTissueOutline() with default parameters within initiateSpataObjectMERFISH(). If the results of your objects are not satisfying adjust them and run the function again. Every function call simply overwrites the results. In this case, the default parameters worked out well and the tissue outline looks appropriate.

plotSurface(object, color_by = "tissue_section", pt_clrp = "milo") +

Seems as if there is a tiny fraction of cells that is not connected to the main tissue section. We can identify and remove spatial outlier separated from the contiguous tissue section with identifySpatialOutliers(). Again, this function runs on default parameters that can be adjusted. Refer to the documentation for more information. In this case single outliers or collection of cells of less than 5% of the overall number of cells (in this case, 4,297 cells) are considered spatial outliers. Running the function creates a new column sp_outlier which is added to the cell metadata.

# identify outliers based on the results of identifyTissueOutline()
object <- identifySpatialOutliers(object)
## 02:00:39 Identifying spatial outliers.
## 02:00:39 Spatial outliers: 95
# show the column
getCoordsDf(object, variables = "sp_outlier") %>% 
  dplyr::filter(sp_outlier == TRUE) %>% 
  dplyr::select(barcodes, sample, sp_outlier, everything())
## # A tibble: 95 × 13
##    barcodes sample sp_outlier     x     y x_orig y_orig   fov volume min_x max_x
##    <chr>    <chr>  <lgl>      <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 cell_16… Slice… TRUE       1407. 6327.  1407.  6327.    98  1017. 1139. 1165.
##  2 cell_28… Slice… TRUE        727. 1085.   727.  1085.   124  1460. 1010. 1038.
##  3 cell_33… Slice… TRUE       4002.  499.  4002.   499.   648   297. 4335. 4349.
##  4 cell_33… Slice… TRUE       4033.  508.  4033.   508.   648   749. 4364. 4381.
##  5 cell_33… Slice… TRUE       4009.  533.  4009.   533.   648  1717. 4336. 4355.
##  6 cell_33… Slice… TRUE       4035.  435.  4035.   435.   649  1650. 4375. 4389.
##  7 cell_33… Slice… TRUE       4025.  481.  4025.   481.   649   439. 4362. 4372.
##  8 cell_33… Slice… TRUE       3982.  451.  3982.   451.   649   180. 4322. 4332.
##  9 cell_33… Slice… TRUE       4001.  459.  4001.   459.   649   720. 4340. 4351.
## 10 cell_33… Slice… TRUE       4006.  427.  4006.   427.   649   503. 4350. 4357.
## # ℹ 85 more rows
## # ℹ 2 more variables: min_y <dbl>, max_y <dbl>

The results can be plotted with plotSurface().

# before
outline_with_outliers <- ggpLayerTissueOutline(object)

plot_with_outliers <- 
  plotSurface(object, color_by = "sp_outlier", pt_clrp = "milo")

# remove the outliers
# note that with spatial_proc = TRUE (default), a new tissue outline is computed
object <- removeSpatialOutliers(object, spatial_proc = TRUE)

# afterwards
plot_without_outliers <- 
  plotSurface(object, color_by = "sp_outlier", pt_clrp = "milo")

# left plot
plot_with_outliers + 
  outline_with_outliers # old outline

# right plot
plot_without_outliers + 
  ggpLayerTissueOutline(object) # new outline

4. Data preprocessing

The first processing step is usually to remove genes that were not detected in any cell. As well as to remove cells with no counts at all. The functions below check if any such scenario is the case and if so, they remove what needs to be removed. Else, they simply return the input object. In either case they give feedback as long verbose = TRUE (the default).

#--- gene removal 
## [1] 649

# remove genes with no counts - none existing
object <- removeGenesZeroCounts(object)

## [1] 649

#--- obs removal
## [1] 85863

# remove observations with no counts - none existing
object <- removeObsZeroCounts(object)

## [1] 85863

Next, we normalize the count matrix. We normalize using SCT as described in the Seurat utorial. This processed the raw count matrix. Results are stored in the respective assays. By default, the normalized matrix is activated and thus used in downstream analysis. See ?activateMatrix for more information. Furthermore, we compute metadata for the cells:

# no processed matrices, only raw counts
## character(0)

## [1] "counts"

## [1] "counts"

# normalize raw count data
object <- 
    object = object,
    method = "SCT",
    mtr_name_new = "SCT_data", 
    sct_clip_range = c(-10, 10)

# now the object contains normalized data
## [1] "SCT_data"

## [1] "SCT_data"

By default, the normalized matrix is activated and thus used in downstream analysis. See ?activateMatrix for more information. Furthermore, we compute metadata for the cells: n_counts_{modality} with molecular modality gene represents the number of individual transcript counts per cell, whereas n_distinct_{modality} represents the number of distinct genes identified by cell.

# some more meta features
object <- computeMetaFeatures(object)

# meta feauture names
##           character             logical              factor             numeric 
## "original_barcodes"        "sp_outlier"    "tissue_section"     "n_counts_gene" 
##             integer             numeric 
##   "n_distinct_gene"      "avg_cpm_gene"

# show overview (compare to overview above)
## An object of class SPATA2
## Sample: Slice2_Replicate3 
## Size: 85863 x 649 (cells x molecules)
## Memory: 261.64 Mb
## Platform: MERFISH 
## Molecular assays (1):
## 1. Assay
##  Molecular modality: gene
##  Distinct molecules: 649
##  Matrices (2):
##  -counts
##  -SCT_data (active)
## Meta variables (7): sample, original_barcodes, sp_outlier, tissue_section, n_counts_gene, n_distinct_gene, avg_cpm_gene

# left plot
plotSurface(object, color_by = "n_counts_gene")

# right plot
plotSurface(object, color_by = "n_distinct_gene")

5. Spatially variable genes

Next, we identify spatially variable genes using SPARK-X.

# run the algorithm
object <- runSPARKX(object)
## ## number of total samples: 85863 
## ## number of total genes: 649 
## ## Running with single core, may take some time 
## ## Testing With Projection Kernel
## ## Testing With Gaussian Kernel 1
## ## Testing With Gaussian Kernel 2
## ## Testing With Gaussian Kernel 3
## ## Testing With Gaussian Kernel 4
## ## Testing With Gaussian Kernel 5
## ## Testing With Cosine Kernel 1
## ## Testing With Cosine Kernel 2
## ## Testing With Cosine Kernel 3
## ## Testing With Cosine Kernel 4
## ## Testing With Cosine Kernel 5

sparkx_genes <- getSparkxGenes(object, threshold_pval = 0.05)

##  chr [1:570] "Htr1f" "Htr2a" "Htr5a" "Htr5b" "Adora1" "Adora2a" "Adgrb1" ...

# left plot
plotSurface(object, color_by = sparkx_genes[1], pt_clrsp = "Purple-Blue") + 
  ggpLayerTissueOutline(object) # use outline to plot against white

# right plot (set the color scale limits)
plotSurface(object, color_by = sparkx_genes[2], pt_clrsp = "Reds 3", limits = c(0, 1.5), oob = scales::squish) + 

6. Subset observations

For examples, we provide a small example object. Here, we additionally subset the dataset to just extract the top right corner.

# get range of upper right corner
crop_range <- 
  getCoordsRange(object) %>%
  purrr::map(.f = ~ c(mean(.x), max(.x)))

# show results
## $x
## [1] 5069.762 9639.579
## $y
## [1] 3732.895 7104.322

p_before <- 
  plotSurface(object, pt_clr = "red") + 
  ggpLayerTissueOutline(object) + 
  ggpLayerRect(object, xrange = crop_range$x, yrange = crop_range$y)

# crop with a rectangular
object_subset <- cropSpataObject(object, xrange = crop_range$x, yrange = crop_range$y)

p_subset <- plotSurface(object_subset, pt_clr = "red")

# left plot

# right plot

7. Conclusion and more data sets

That’s it. The object can be used for any downstream analyses such as dimensional reduction, clustering, spatial annotation screening or spatial trajectory screening. Refer to tab Tutorials for more links. Furthermore, you can skim our curated data base of spatial data sets for those of platform MERFISH using SPATAData.

# load package

# filter for samples from platform VisiumHD
sourceDataFrame(platform == "MERFISH")
## # A tibble: 32 × 20
##    sample_name    donor_species institution lm_source           organ organ_part
##    <chr>          <chr>         <chr>       <dttm>              <chr> <chr>     
##  1 HumanBreastCa… Homo sapiens  Vizgen      2024-08-24 01:57:29 Brea… NA        
##  2 HumanColonCan… Homo sapiens  Vizgen      2024-08-24 01:57:29 Colon NA        
##  3 HumanColonCan… Homo sapiens  Vizgen      2024-08-24 01:57:29 Colon NA        
##  4 HumanLiverCan… Homo sapiens  Vizgen      2024-08-24 01:57:29 Liver NA        
##  5 HumanLiverCan… Homo sapiens  Vizgen      2024-08-24 01:57:29 Liver NA        
##  6 HumanLungCanc… Homo sapiens  Vizgen      2024-08-24 01:57:29 Lung  NA        
##  7 HumanLungCanc… Homo sapiens  Vizgen      2024-08-24 01:57:29 Lung  NA        
##  8 HumanMelanoma… Homo sapiens  Vizgen      2024-08-24 01:57:29 Skin  NA        
##  9 HumanMelanoma… Homo sapiens  Vizgen      2024-08-24 01:57:29 Skin  NA        
## 10 HumanOvarianC… Homo sapiens  Vizgen      2024-08-24 01:57:29 Ovary NA        
## # ℹ 22 more rows
## # ℹ 14 more variables: pathology <chr>, platform <chr>, pub_citation <chr>,
## #   source <chr>, web_link <chr>, mean_counts <dbl>, median_counts <dbl>,
## #   modality_gene <lgl>, modality_metabolite <lgl>, modality_protein <lgl>,
## #   n_obs <int>, n_tissue_sections <int>, obs_unit <chr>, obj_size <lbstr_by>