Around the SPATA2 objectThese functions generate the SPATA2 object you will work with throughot this and other platforms. |
InitiationThe initiation functions create a SPATA2 object from scratch or with standardized output from different platforms. |
Initiate an object of class |
Initiate an object of class |
Initiate an object of class |
Initiate an object of class |
Initiate an object of class |
Initiate an object of class |
TransformationThe transform-functions ensure compatibility between different platforms. |
Transform SPATA2 object to Giotto object |
Transform miscellaneous objects to MolecularAssay objects |
Transform miscellaneous objects to SPATA2 objects |
Transform SPATA2 object to Seurat object |
Transform SPATA2 object to SingleCellExperiment object |
Transform SPATA2 object to SummarizedExperiment object |
Loading, Downloading and SavingSome handy functions that make saving and loading corresponding objects more convenient. |
Load example SPATA2 object |
Load SPATA2 object |
Save SPATA2 object with a default directory |
Download a SPATA2 object |
Download and save several SPATA2 objects |
Object Subsetting & ManipulationMiscellaneous subsetting and renaming options. |
Crop SPATA2 object |
Subset SPATA2 object with logical expressions |
Reduce SPATA2 object |
Reduce resolution for Visium HD data |
Rename SPATA2 object |
Split SPATA2 object |
Subset SPATA2 object with barcodes |
Update SPATA2 object |
Object Manipulation |
Add Content to SPATA2 objectThe add-functions let you add content to the |
Add meta variables for observations |
Add holes to spatial annotations |
Add meta variables for molecular data |
Add meta variables for observations |
Add molecule coordinates |
Add a processed matrix |
Add molecular signature |
Add a spatial annotation with data input |
Add a spatial trajectory with data input |
Create ContentCreate miscellaneous content and/or data containers. |
Create an object of class |
Create and add an object of class |
Create an object of class |
Create an object of class |
Interactive sample segmentation |
Create and add spatial trajectories interactively |
Process Miscellaneous ContentA collection of miscellaneous processing functions. |
Identify molecules of high variability |
Identify pixel content |
Normalize raw counts |
Rename ContentThe rename-functions let you adjust the name of certain content with which you refer to it via arguments. |
Rename cluster/group names |
Rename an image |
Rename features |
Rename molecular assay |
Rename SPATA2 object |
Rename a spatial annotation |
Rename a spatial trajectory. |
Set ContentThe set-functions let you set the content of specific slots. |
Set object specific default |
Set image directory |
Set molecular meta data.frame |
Set scale factors |
Set SPATA2 directory |
Availability ChecksA collection of functions that check availability of processing steps and return logical values. (This is a subset of all related functions.) |
Check availability of an assay |
Check availability of center to center distance |
Check availability CNV results |
Check availability of cells |
Check availability of image containers |
Check availability of an image |
Check for inner borders in a spatial annotation |
Check availability of specific spatial methods (platforms) |
Check availability of molecular modality |
Check availability molecule coordinates |
Check availability pixel content |
Check availability of specific scale factors |
Check availability of spatial annotations |
Checks availability of a SpatialData object |
Check if spatial outliers exist |
Check availability of spots |
Check availability of tissue outline |
Built-in DataA list of data built into SPATA2. |
A list of reference data for copy number variation analysis (CNV) |
A data.frame necessary for cnv-analysis. Contains information about start and end points of chromosomes. |
Data required for reproducible examples in SPATA2 tutorials. |
A data.frame necessary for cnv-analysis. Contains information about the gene positions on chromosomes. Contains the following variables: |
Regular Expressions for Data Validation and Parsing |
The default collection of frequently used signatures |
A list of a slot named VisiumSmall, which contains a list of data.frames of all barcoded spots of 6.5mm capture area and a slot named VisiumLarge which a list of data.frames that contain the barcoded spots of the 11mm capture area. |
Activate ContentFunctions to manage object specific defaults. |
Default assay name |
Default image name |
Default matrix name |
CountingFunctions that quantify the abundance of specific ascpects in the |
Number of images |
Number of molecules |
Number of observations |
Number of spatial annotations |
Number of spatial trajectories |
Extract Data |
Copy Number VariationsFunctions to extract CNV related content. |
Obtain chromosome information |
Obtain features names under which cnv-analysis results are stored. |
Obtain CNV results by gene |
Obtain CNV results |
Molecular DataFunctions to extract molecular data and particularly names of molecular variables. |
Obtain molecular assay |
Obtain assay names/modalites |
Obtain gene CNV information |
Obtain molecular signature |
Obtain molecular signatures |
Obtain molecular signature names |
Overview about the current signature collection |
Obtain raw counts |
Obtain a data matrix |
Obtain matrix names |
Obtain processed data matrix |
Obtain names of processed matrices |
Obtain molecular meta data.frame |
Obatin molecular modality |
Obtain molecule coordinates |
Obtain a list of molecules |
Obtain molecule names |
Obtain a list of signatures |
Obtain molecules of high variability |
Spatial CoordinatesFunctions to extract coordinates of observations. |
Obtain coordinate center |
Obtain coordinates |
Relate points to spatial annotations |
Obtain coordinates matrix |
Obtain coordinate range |
Dimensional ReductionFunctions to extract dimensional reduction results. |
Obtain dim red data.frame |
Features & GroupingFunctions to extract grouping related variables and names. |
Obtain features names under which cnv-analysis results are stored. |
Obtain metadata column names |
Obtain variable names that group data points |
Obtain group names a grouping variable contains |
Obtain meta data.frame for observations |
Obtain segmentation variable names |
Differential Expression AnalysisFunctions to extract DEA related content. |
Obtain DEA results |
Gene Set Enrichment AnalysisFunctions to extract GSEA related content. |
Obtain enrichment data.frame |
Obtain enrichment results |
Spatial Gradient ScreeningFunctions to extract SGS related content. |
Obtain spatial gradient screening results |
Obtain spatial gradient screening results |
Obtain spatial annotation screening data.frame |
Obtain spatial trajectory screening data.frame |
ImageFunctions to extract image related content. |
Obtain HistoImage object |
Obtain image |
Obtain image center |
Obtain image as a data.frame |
Obtain image dimensions/ranges |
Obtain directory to image |
Obtain names of registered images |
Obtain image sections by barcode |
Obtain image transformation instructions |
Obtain pixel data.frame |
Obtain scale factor for pixel to SI conversion |
Spatial AnnotationsFunctions to extract data related to spatial annotations. |
Obtain a SpatialAnnotation object |
Obtain list of SpatialAnnotation objects |
Obtain area of spatial annotation |
Obtain barcodes by spatial annotations |
Obtain center of a spatial annotation |
Obtain center data point |
Obtain IDs of spatial annotations |
Obtain the outline of a spatial annotation |
Obtain spatial annotations range |
Obtain the outline of a spatial anontation |
Obtain spatial annotation tags |
Spatial TrajectoriesFunctions to extract data related to spatial trajectories. |
Obtain trajectory projection |
Obtain SpatialTrajectory objects |
Obtain trajectory IDs |
Obtain length of spatial trajectory |
Obtain trajectory course |
Obtain trajectory width |
Tissue, Tissue Outline & Spatial MeasuresFunctions to extract tissue related data. |
Obtain capture area |
Obtain center to center distance |
Obtain default unit |
Obtain spatial method |
Obtain tissue area size |
Obtain tissue outline centroid |
Obtain the outline of tissue sections |
Obtain the names of tissue sections |
MiscellaneousFunctions to extract miscellaneous types of data. |
Obtain barcodes |
Obtain default argument inputs |
Obtain object logfile data.frame |
Obtain platform details |
Obtain platform name |
Obtain name of SPATA2 object |
Obtain scale factors |
Obtain a data.frame of observations |
Obtain SPATA2 object directory |
Obtain SpatialData object |
Obtain variable names of the SPATA2 object |
Remove ContentRemove miscellaneous kinds of data from a SPATA2 object. |
Register or remove images |
Remove meta features |
Remove molecules from the SPATA2 object |
Remove observations |
Remove a processed matrix |
Remove molecular signatures |
Remove spatial annotations |
Remove spatial outliers |
Remove spatial trajectories |
Remove data points from tissue fragments |
Management of Grouping VariablesFunctions to change grouping variables. |
Lump groups together |
Dissolve groups in a SPATA2 object |
Rename cluster/group names |
Relevel groups of grouping variable |
Spatial Annotation HandlingFunctions to create and work with spatial annotations. |
Create Spatial Annotations |
Add a spatial annotation with data input |
Create spatial annotations from a list of barcodes |
Create spatial annotations from a group of data points |
Create spatial annotations based on histo-morphological features |
Create spatial annotations based on numeric values |
Manipulate Spatial Annotations |
Center the borders of a spatial annotation |
Expand the outline of spatial annotations |
Merge spatial annotations |
Rename a spatial annotation |
Rotate the outline of a spatial annotation |
Shift the borders of a spatial annotation |
Smooth the border of a spatial annotation |
Tag spatial annotations |
Use Spatial Annotations |
Spatial annotation and barcode intersection |
Convert spatial annotation to grouping variable |
Image handling and Image-Coordinate AlignmentFunctions to work with and ensure alignment between images and coordinates of observations. |
Mirror invert image and coordinates |
Load image slot content |
Obtain name of reference iamge |
Register or remove images |
Resize image |
Reset image transformations |
Rotate image and coordinates |
Rotate the outline of a spatial annotation |
Unload image slot content |
Write image to disk |
Join InformationThese functions access the information of interest, perform additional customized computations and join it as additional variables to already existing data.frames in a tidy-data fashion. |
Join barcodes with additional variables |
Join data with variables |
Implemented AlgorithmsThese functions perform calculations that might take some time. The results are stored inside the SPATA2 object. |
Compute capture area |
Compute CNV by chromosome arm |
Compute count percentage |
Compute meta features |
Compute pixel scale factor |
Clustering with BayesSpace |
Identify large-scale chromosomal copy number variations |
Differential expression analysis (DEA) |
Compute gene set enrichment |
Clustering with Kmeans |
Clustering with nearest neighbor search |
Run Principal Component Analysis |
Identify spatially significant features with SPARKX |
Clustering with Seurat |
Run t-Stochastic Neighbour Embedding |
Run Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection |
Compute scale factor of two images |
Tissue Outline & Tissue SectionsFunctions that incorporate the spatial dimensions and outline of the tissue using data points or images as information. |
Distance to edge of tissue section |
Identify pixel content |
Identify tissue outline |
Identify spatial outliers |
Merge tissue sections |
Integrate tissue outline in spatial annotation |
Rename cluster/group names |
Use specified variable for tissue outline |
Tissue section belonging of spatial annotations |
Miscellaneous Spatial Functions |
Add tissue section variable to coordinate data.frame |
Add edge variable to coordinate data.frame |
Add grid variable to coordinate data.rame |
Buffer area |
Identify observations inside a polygon |
Include spatial extent of tissue sections in analysis |
Test polygon intersection |
Map observations to tissue sections |
Merge polygons |
Spatial Gradient ScreeningFunctions around Spatial Trajectory Screening and Image Annotation Screening. |
Low level implementation of the spatial gradient screening algorithm |
The Spatial Annotation Screening algorithm |
The Spatial Trajectory Screening algorithm |
Obtain spatial trajectory screening data.frame |
Obtain spatial annotation screening data.frame |
Plot SAS barplot |
Plot SAS densityplot |
Plot SAS heatmap |
Plot SAS lineplot |
Plot SAS rideplot |
Spatial MeasuresFunctions to work with spatial measures in SI units. |
Test area or distance input |
Transform distance and area values |
Distance transformation |
Extract distance units |
Extract distance value |
Test area input |
Test distance input |
Test unit of area input |
Test unit of length input |
S4 ClassesThe S4 classes SPATA2 uses to abstract concepts of spatial multi-omic experiments. |
The |
The |
The |
The |
The |
The |
The |
The |
The |
The |
The |
The |
The |
PlatformsVariables that have been defined as objects of class |
MERFISH Spatial Method |
VisiumSmall Spatial Method |
VisiumHD Spatial Method |
VisiumLarge Spatial Method |
SlideSeqV1 Spatial Method |
Xenium Spatial Method |
Visualization |
Copy Number Variation |
Plot CNV Heatmap |
Plot CNV Lineplot |
DEA & GSEAVisualize the results of differential expression analysis and gene set enrichment analysis. |
Plot DEA results via dot plots |
Plot DEA results via heatmaps |
Plot DEA results via volcano plots |
Plot GSEA results via dot plots |
Dimensional ReductionVisualize the barcode spots in a reduced dimension fashion. |
Plot dimensional reduction |
Plot PCA Elbow Plot |
Plot PCA Variation |
ggpLayer and other gg objectsAdd ggroto objects to ggplot2 plots. |
Initiate ggplot2 layering |
Display clean axes |
Display axes with SI units of length |
Add capture area to surface plot |
Add group specific color spectrum |
Add SAS expression estimates |
Fix ggplot frame |
Set plot limits |
Add a grid to VisiumHD surface plots |
Add group outline |
Add SAS screening horizon |
Add histology image |
Add the observations to the surface plot |
Add a rectangular to the plot |
Add a scale bar in SI units |
Add SAS screening direction |
Add outline of spatial annotations |
Add pointer towards spatial annotations |
Add a rectangular around an spatial annotation |
Add spatial trajectories |
Add coordinates theme |
Add a hull outlining the tissue |
Add the screening frame of a spatial trajectory |
Set plot limits manually |
ggplot2 themes |
ggplot2 basic manipulation |
geoms |
Points (fixed size ~ window ratio) |
Segments (fixed size ~ window ratio) |
Text (fixed size ~ window ratio) |
Image |
Plot histology image |
Plot histology images |
Plot image with R base plotting |
Plot pixel content |
MiscellaneousVisualize a variety of aspects. |
Plot Bayes Space logliks |
Plot numeric variables as a scatterplot |
Show color palettes and spectra |
Show spatial gradient screening models |
Spatial Gradient |
Plot expression as a function of distance to a spatial references |
Plot spatial annotations |
Plot spatial trajectories |
Plot SAS barplot |
Plot SAS densityplot |
Plot SAS heatmap |
Plot SAS lineplot |
Plot SAS rideplot |
Plot STS barplot |
Plot STS heatmap |
Plot STS line- and ridgeplot |
Statistics |
Plot distribution of discrete variables |
Plot numeric distribution and statistical tests |
Plot mosaic plot |
Plot riverplots |
Plot distribution of variables interactively |
Surface Plots & 2D data |
Plot the surface of the sample |
Plot surface with R base plotting |
Plot several surface plots colored by numeric variables |
Plot screening area of SAS set up |
Plot single cells on surface |
Plot molecules in 2D space |
Miscellaneous Functions |
The current version of SPATA2 |
Information about deprecated aspects |
Check for outliers in a numeric vector |
General test for SPATA2 object |
Convert Image to Binary with Flexible Thresholding |
Generate model-based ascending or descending sequence |
Model a peaking pattern |
The observational unit |
Platform dependent input recommendations |
Read coordinate data.frames |
Read Matrix from Folder |
Transform coordinates |
Transform image |
Map aggregated to pre-aggregated barcodes |