Transforms an SPATA2 object object to an object of class Giotto. See details for more information.

asGiotto(object, transfer_features = TRUE, verbose = NULL)



Objects of classes for which a method has been defined.

transfer_features, transfer_meta_data

Logical or character. Specifies if meta/feature, e.g clustering, data from the input object is transferred to the output object. If TRUE, all variables of the feature/meta data.frame are transferred. If character, named variables are transferred. If FALSE, none are transferred.


Logical. If TRUE, progress messages will be printed. Default is TRUE.


An object of class Giotto.


The object is created using the count matrix of the input as well as coordinates. If an image is found it is transferred, too. No further processing is done (e.g. Giotto::normalizeGiotto(), Giotto::runPCA()).