Counts the number of signatures by class - after subsetting if desired.
getGeneSetOverview(object, ...)
getMetaboliteOverview(object, ...)
getProteinSetOverview(object, ...)
getSignatureOverview(object, ..., assay_name = activeAssay(object))
An object of class SPATA2
or, in case of S4 generics,
objects of classes for which a method has been defined.
Additional selection helpers from the tidyselect package that match names according to a given pattern.
Only relevant if the SPATA2
object contains more than
one assay: Denotes the assay of interest and thus the
molecular modality to use. Defaults to the active assay
as set by activateAssay()
A data.frame with two variables Class and Available Signatures indicating the number of different signatures the classes contain.