S4 class that contains input for and output of spatial gradient screening implementation spatialAnnotationScreening() and spatialTrajectoryScreening().


The following classes are derivates of this class: SpatialAnnotationScreening, SpatialTrajectoryScreening.



data.frame. A data.frame as obtained by getCoordsDfSA() or getCoordsDfST(), respectively, with the setup used for the screening.


data.frame. A data.frame in which columns correspond to the modeled gradients used for the model fitting.


list. A named list that contains results from the quality control steps. Reserved list slots are:

  • cf Numeric value. The correction factor used to adjust the span.

  • est_R2 List. Results from estimating the overal R2 between noise and total variation.

  • zero_infl_vars Character vector. Names of variables that have been identified as zero inflated.


A named list that contains the screening results. Reserved list slots are:

  • significance Data frame with results from the identification of non-random gradients.

  • model_fits Data frame with results from gradient ~ model fits.


Character value. The name of the SPATA2 object with which the screening was conducted.


A list of parameters required to reproduce the set up of the screening.