from raw outputcreateSpatialData.Rd
Official constructor function of the S4 class SpatialData
Functions suffixed by the platform name are wrappers written for their
standardized output folder.
hist_img_ref = NULL,
hist_imgs = list(),
active = NULL,
coordinates = tibble::tibble(),
meta = list(),
method = SpatialMethod(),
scale_factors = list(),
resize_images = NULL,
unload = TRUE,
misc = list(),
verbose = TRUE,
file_coords = NULL,
meta = list(),
misc = list(),
verbose = TRUE
file_coords = NULL,
meta = list(),
misc = list()
img_ref = "lowres",
img_active = "lowres",
resize_images = NULL,
unload = TRUE,
meta = list(),
misc = list(),
verbose = TRUE
img_ref = "lowres",
img_active = "lowres",
resize_images = NULL,
unload = FALSE,
meta = list(),
misc = list(),
verbose = TRUE
createSpatialDataXenium(dir, sample, meta = list(), misc = list())
Character value. The sample name of the tissue.
The SpatialData
serving as the reference image
Should be created with createHistoImage()
List of additional HistoImage
objects for slot @images.
Character value. Name of the HistoImage
that is set
to the active image. Defaults to the reference image.
Data.frame of at least three variables:
barcodes: Character variable with unique IDs for each observation.
x_orig: Numeric variable representing x-coordinates in a cartesian coordinate system.
y_orig: Numeric variable representing y-coordinates in a cartesian coordinate system.
Coordinates should align with the tissue outline of the reference HistoImage
after being
multiplied withe its coordinate scale factor in slot @scale_factors$coords.
List of meta data regarding the tissue.
A named list of numeric values between 0-1 used to resize
the respective image as indicated by the slot name. E.g resize_images = list(hires = 0.5)
resizes the hires image to 50% of its original scale.
Logical value. If TRUE
, every image except for the active image
is unloaded.
List of miscellaneous information.
Logical. If TRUE
, informative messages regarding
the computational progress will be printed.
(Warning messages will always be printed.)
Used to absorb deprecated arguments or functions.
The directory to the output folder of the platform.
Character value or NULL
. If character, specifies the filename
within the directory dir
that leads to the coordinates .csv file. If NULL
the expected filename is tried:
MERFISH: File that contains 'cell_metadata' and ends with '.csv'
SlideSeqV1: File that ends with 'MatchedBeadLocation.csv'
VisiumSmall/VisiumLarge: File named 'tissue_positions_list.csv' or 'tissue_positions.csv'
VisiumHD: File named 'tissue_positions.parquet'
Xenium: File named 'cells.csv.gz'.
Character values specifying which of the images to register and how to register
them. Click here
for more information about the definitions
of the reference image and the active image. Setting both arguments to the same
value results in the function to register the specified image as the active
as well as the reference image. Valid input options depend
on the platform used:
Visium: Either 'lowres' or 'hires'.
Character. The square resolution from which to load the data. While c('16um', '8um', '2um')
are the default resolutions, reduceResolutionVisiumHD()
is applied if the input
deviates from these three input options. See section Visium HD Resolution for more information.
An object of class SpatialData
to register images afterwards.