Extracts content of slot @results of screening S4 objects. For a more detailed explanation of what the slot contains see the documentation of SpatialGradientScreening.

getSgsResultsDf(object, ...)

# S4 method for class 'SpatialGradientScreening'
  eval = "mae",
  pval = "fdr",
  arrange_by = eval,
  threshold_eval = 0.25,
  threshold_pval = 0.05,
  model_subset = NULL,
  model_remove = NULL,
  best_only = TRUE,
  as_is = FALSE



Any object for which a method has been defined.


Character value. The evaluation variable to use. Either 'mae' (Mean Absolute Error) or 'rmse' (Root Mean Squared Error).


Character value. The p-value variable. Defaults to 'fdr' (False Discovery Rate).

threshold_pval, threshold_eval

Numeric values. The threshold with which the results are filtered. Default is 1. Since p-values and model fit evaluation scores range from 0-1 (with 1 being worst), the default includes everything.


Logical value. If TRUE, only the best gradient-model fit according to the chosen evaluation metric (eval) for each screened variable is kept.


Logical value. If TRUE, all parameters are ignored and the $significance and $model_fits data.frames are simply joined and return without any filtering.


A data.frame with results of the spatial gradient screening conducted. Column names are:

  • variables The name of the variable to which the row corresponds.

  • models The name of the model which fits best to the inferred gradient.

  • mae The mean absolute error of the gradient-model fit.

  • rmse The root mean squared error of the gradient-model fit.

  • p_value The p-value regarding the hypothesis whether such a gradient can be obtained under random circumstances.

  • fdr The adjusted p-value using false discovery rate.



Without any argument specification the function getSgsResultsDf() returns the complete data.frame. The arguments can be used to filter the results. Filtering works as follows:

  1. Model-fits are filtered according to the input of model_subset and model_remove.

  2. Model-fits are filtered according to the threshold_ arguments.

  3. If best_only is set to TRUE, model-fits are filtered such that the best model-fit (among the remaining models from 1.) for every gene remains. E.g. if gene GFAP fits to model descending_linear with a score of 0.2 and to descending_gradual with an MAE score of 0.15 the model-fit GFAP-descending_gradual remains in the output.

The output is arranged by the evaluation score.