In the context of SPATA2, the term variables refers to the features that characterize observations.

Throughout documentation the term variables and features are used synonymously. We work closely with the tidyverse. It proposes the concept of tidy data, which structures data.frames in observations and variables. Therefore, we tend to stick to the term variables

Note: In previous versions of SPATA2 we used the term features and feature data.frame and the slot @fdata to refer to variables that were not related to molecular counts like gene expression or gene sets. This resulted in confusion as many other platforms such as Seurat use the term features in general to refer to what we refer to as variables. Therefore, the slot @fdata has been renamed to @meta_obs and the corresponding data.frame has been renamed to meta data.frame, as obtained by getMetaDf().

Next to the obligatory variable barcodes - which uniquely identifies each observation - different kind of variables exist in the SPATA2 object.

Numeric variables

Numeric variables represent continuous or numerical data. These variables can take on numeric values and are typically used to represent quantitative measurements counts. When working with SPATA2 numeric variables are conceptually subdivided.

  • spatial: Numeric variables used to position the observations in two dimensional space. Stored in the coordinates data.frame as obtained by getCoordsDf(). E.g. x, x_orig, y and y_orig. They are stored in the coordinates data.frame.

  • molecular: Numeric variables used to quantify molecular expression of an observation. Stored in the count and processed matrices of the MolecularAssay objects. E.g. GFAP, VEGFA, LDH.

  • dimensional reduction Numeric variables used to position the observations in latent space. Stored in slot @dim_red.

  • signature: Specific scores or mean expression based on multiple molecular data variables. E.g. gene signatures like HM_HYPOXIA. The SPATA2 object only stores the molecules of which the signature consists, namely in slot @signatures of the MolecularAssay. The actual variable is computed upon extraction.

  • miscellaneous: Numeric variables that do not fit in any of the descriptions above and often correspond to meta data. E.g. the number of molecule counts per observation. . They are stored in the meta data.frame for the observations, as obtained by getMetaDf().

Categorical / Grouping variables

Categorical or grouping variables represent qualitative data that can take on a limited number of distinct categories or levels. These variables are used to categorize or group observations into distinct groups or classes. When working with SPATA2 grouping variables are conceptually subdivided.

Grouping variables are stored as factors in the meta data.frame of slot @meta_obs, as obtained by getMetaDf().