This list contains predefined spatial methods for various spatial biology platforms. Each entry is an instance of the SpatialMethod class with specifications tailored to a specific platform.



An object of class list of length 7.


The spatial_methods list includes the following spatial methods:

  • MERFISH: A spatial method focusing on cell-level observations using the Multiplexed Error-Robust Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization technique (MERSCOPE).

  • SlideSeqV1: A spatial method focusing on bead-level observations using the Slide-seq V1 platform.

  • Undefined: A default spatial method with undefined properties.

  • VisiumSmall: A spatial method for small capture areas using the Visium platform.

  • VisiumLarge: A spatial method for large capture areas using the Visium platform.

  • VisiumHD: A spatial method using the VisiumHD platform.

  • Xenium: A spatial method focusing on cell-level observations using the Xenium platform.

Each spatial method in the list is an instance of the SpatialMethod class and contains specific configurations such as the unit of observation, SI unit, and method-specific details.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  # Access the VisiumLarge spatial method
  visium_large_method <- spatial_methods[["VisiumLarge"]]
} # }