Animates the output of function plotAllTracks().

  across = "cell_line",
  across_subset = NULL,
  frame_subset = NULL,
  phase = "all",
  n_cells = 100,
  color_by = across,
  linetype = "solid",
  linesize = 0.75,
  add_on_list = list(),
  verbose = NULL,



A valid cypro object.


Character value, character vector or NULL (see details for more). Specifies the grouping variable of interest.

Use getGroupingVariableNames() to obtain all variable names that group the cells of your experiment in a certain manner.


Character vector or NULL. Specifies the particular groups of interest the grouping variable specified in argument across contains.

If set to NULL all of them are chosen. You can prefix groups you are NOT interested in with a '-'. (Saves writing if there are more groups you are interested in than groups you are not interested in.)

Use getGroupNames() to obtain all valid input options.


Character or numeric. If character, the ordinal value referring to the phase of interest (e.g. 'first', 'second' etc.). referring to the phase of interest or 'all'. If numeric, the number referring to the phase.

If set to NULL takes the phase denoted as default with adjustDefault().

Ignored if the experiment design contains only one phase.


Numeric calue. Determines the number of cells that are randomly chosen from every group to be displayed. Useful to keep plots insightful and aesthetically pleasing.


Character value. Valid options are 'solid', 'twodash', 'longdash', 'dotted' and 'dotdash'.


Numeric value. Denotes the size of the lines drawn.


A list of ggplot2-add-ons that are supposed to be integrated in the visualization process.


Logical. If set to TRUE informative messages regarding the computational progress will be printed.

(Warning messages will always be printed.)


Additional arguments given to gganimte::animate().


An animated GIF.