Set up the necessary object to perform correlation analysis.

  phase = NULL,
  force = FALSE,
  verbose = NULL,



A valid cypro object.


Character value. Denotes the variable set of interest. Use getVariableSetNames() to obtain all names of currently stored variable sets in your object.


Character or numeric. If character, the ordinal value referring to the phase of interest (e.g. 'first', 'second' etc.). referring to the phase of interest or 'all'. If numeric, the number referring to the phase.

If set to NULL takes the phase denoted as default with adjustDefault().

Ignored if the experiment design contains only one phase.


Logical value. Needs to be set to TRUE if you want to overwrite an already existing set up or already existing results.


Logical. If set to TRUE informative messages regarding the computational progress will be printed.

(Warning messages will always be printed.)


Character vector or NULL. Specifies the numeric variables the subsequent correlation steps will include..

If set to NULL all of them are chosen. You can prefix variables you do NOT want to influence the clustering with a '-'. (Saves writing if there are more variables you are interested in than variables you are not interested in.)

Use getNumericVariableNames() to obtain all valid input options.


An updated version of the input cypro-object.


All grouping variables that exist at the time this function is used are added to the correlation slot which can be used to compare correlation results between different groups. Clustering variables that are added to the overall data via addHierarchicalCluster(), addKmeansCluster() etc. are added as options for correlateAcross() automatically.