Sums up the number of missing values every cell id has in the stats data.frame.

nMissingValuesStats(object, phase = NULL)



A valid cypro object.


Character or numeric. If character, the ordinal value referring to the phase of interest (e.g. 'first', 'second' etc.). referring to the phase of interest or 'all'. If numeric, the number referring to the phase.

If set to NULL takes the phase denoted as default with adjustDefault().

Ignored if the experiment design contains only one phase.


Character vector or NULL. If character, denotes the track variables of interest. If NULL all of them are chosen.


A summarized data.frame. Variable na_count refers to the number of NAs across all stat variables. E.g a value of 8 in na_count means that the respective cell features missing values in 8 stat variables.