1. Introduction

Sequencing data from single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) and from spatial transcriptomic experiments alike are prone to noise and technical artifacts that might obstruct downstram analysis. As recently proposed by Gökcen et al., 2019 autoencoder networks work against that. SPATA2 offers a similar approach to denoise data. Apart from data that makes more sense (see Figure 3.2 and 3.3) denoising your data often results in more insightful visualization.


spata_obj <- downloadSpataObject("275_T")

Note: Before you use the functions SPATA2 provides please make sure that the R-packages keras and tensorflow are installed on your device. Installing both packages requires some steps in addition to what R does by default. Therefore the installation of SPATA2 does not include these two packages. Click here for a guide on how to setup both packages.

2. Denoising your data

Although there es only one function needed to denoise your data, namely runAutoencoderDenoising(), you might want to assess how you set up the neural network that does the denoising - see chapter 2.2 for that matter.

2.1 Using the neural network

Denoising your data in SPATA2 is as simple as it gets. The function runAutoenconderDenoising() constructs the neural network according to your adjustments (see Chapter 2.2 on how to optimize that) and stores the resulting denoised expression matrix named denoised next to the already existing expression matrix named scaled by using the function addExpressionMatrix().

# all expression matrices before denoising
getExpressionMatrixNames(object = spata_obj)

# active expression matrix before denoising
getActiveMatrixName(object = spata_obj)
## [1] "scaled"
## [1] "scaled"
# denoising your data 
spata_obj <-
    object = spata_obj, 
    activation = "selu", 
    bottleneck = 56, 
    epochs = 20, 
    layers = c(128, 64, 32), 
    dropout = 0.1

# all expression matrices after denoising
getExpressionMatrixNames(object = spata_obj)

# active expression matrix after denoising
getActiveMatrixName(object = spata_obj)
## [1] "scaled"   "denoised"
## [1] "denoised"

Use printAutoencoderSummary() if you want to recall the way you set up the neural network that denoised your scaled data.

# print a summary 
printAutoencoderSummary(object = spata_obj)
## The neural network that generated matrix 'denoised' was constructed with the following adjustments: 
## Activation function: selu
## Bottleneck neurons: 56
## Dropout: 0.1
## Epochs: 20
## Layers: 128, 64 and 32

By default all functions in SPATA2 (like plotSurface() for example) use the expression matrix that is set to the active expression matrix. Use setActiveMatrix() to switch between the expression matrices that are currently stored inside your spata-object.

2.2 The optimal neural network set up

How neural networks are set up and how they work in detail is beyond the scope of this tutorial. Among other things they differ in the number of bottleneck neurons as well as in the activation function they use. With runAutoencoderAssessment() you can iterate over all combinations you are interested in and assess the results by the total variance of the principal component analysis results.

spata_obj <-
    object = spata_obj,
    activations = c("relu", "selu", "sigmoid"), 
    bottlenecks = c(32, 40, 48, 56, 64),
    epochs = 20, 
    layers = c(128, 64, 32), 
    dropout = 0.1

plotAutoencoderAssessment(object = spata_obj)
## Additional set up of neural network: 
## Epochs: 20
## Dropout: 0.1
## Layers: 128, 64 and 32
Figure 2.1 Visualization of total variance of different autoencoder set ups

Figure 2.1 Visualization of total variance of different autoencoder set ups

Sticking to the set up that resulted in the highest total variance is a good start. If you want to extract the assessment results use getAutoencoderAssessment(). It returns a list of the total variance results as well as the components the neural networks were composed of.

3.3 Storing several expression matrices

You can store as many denoised expression matrices as you want in your spata-object. Use the argument mtr_name_output for that matter. This makes runAutoencoderDenoising() add the denoised expression matrix under the name you specified instead of the default name denoised. Keep in mind that the size of your spata-object is mainly determined by the data matrices it contains and that it can quickly grow to several gigabytes which might considerably affect the speed with which your R session runs.

3. Examples

Figure 3.1 exemplifies how autoencoder denoising captures the main pattern and how this pattern is emphasized in the surface plot using the expression of gene MARCH6.

spata_obj <- setActiveMatrix(object = spata_obj, mtr_name = "scaled")

  object = spata_obj, 
  color_by = "MARCH6", 
  pt_size = 1.8
) + 
  labs(title = "Scaled (not denoised)") + 

spata_obj <- setActiveMatrix(object = spata_obj, mtr_name = "denoised")

  object = spata_obj, 
  color_by = "MARCH6",
  pt_size = 1.8
  ) + 
  labs(title = "Denoised")
Figure 3.1 First visual demonstration of scaled vs. denoised dataFigure 3.1 First visual demonstration of scaled vs. denoised data

Figure 3.1 First visual demonstration of scaled vs. denoised data

Both, Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3 go one step further. The example genes AIF1 and CD68 are both expressed in macrophages which, logically, should result in an almost perfect spatial overlap of both genes. Still, technical artifacts might interfere.

example_genes <- c("AIF1", "CD68")

spata_obj <- setActiveMatrix(object = spata_obj, mtr_name = "scaled")

  object = spata_obj,
  color_by = example_genes[1],
  smooth = FALSE, 
  pt_size = 1.8
  ) +
  labs(title = "Scaled (not denoised)") 

  object = spata_obj,
  color_by = example_genes[2],
  smooth = FALSE,
  pt_size = 1.8
  ) +
  labs(title = "Scaled (not denoised)")
Figure 3.2 Not denoised expression of genes AIF1 and CD68Figure 3.2 Not denoised expression of genes AIF1 and CD68

Figure 3.2 Not denoised expression of genes AIF1 and CD68

In addition to that, the fact that both genes naturally differ in expression levels might affect the colors used to represent these expression levels which additionally obscure the exclusive coexpression of AIF1 and CD68 on the same cells. Denoising does not lead to perfectly matching expression but it does a sufficient job in capturing the underlying pattern.

spata_obj <- setActiveMatrix(object = spata_obj, mtr_name = "denoised")

  object = spata_obj,
  color_by = example_genes[1],
  smooth = FALSE, 
  pt_size = 1.8
  ) + 
  labs(title = "Denoised") 

  object = spata_obj,
  color_by = example_genes[2],
  smooth = FALSE, 
  pt_size = 1.8
  ) +
  labs(title = "Denoised")
Figure 3.3 Denoised expression of genes AIF1 and CD68Figure 3.3 Denoised expression of genes AIF1 and CD68

Figure 3.3 Denoised expression of genes AIF1 and CD68

The prominent changes of the coloring between surface plots from the scaled expression matrix (Figure 3.2) and from the denoised one (Figure 3.3) results from the autoencoder network returning normally distributed values while the majority of results from count normalization and scaling are not normally distributed. To visualize differences between the scaled and the denoised expression matrix you can either use functions that visualize the distribution of numeric variables (such as plotDensityplot(), plotViolinplot() etc.) in combination with setActiveMatrix() as shown in Figure 3.4 or you can use the function plotAutoencoderResults() as shown in Figure 3.5.

spata_obj <- setActiveMatrix(object = spata_obj, mtr_name = "scaled")

  object = spata_obj,
  variables = example_genes,
  display_facets = FALSE
  ) +
  labs(title = "Scaled (not denoised)")

spata_obj <- setActiveMatrix(object = spata_obj, mtr_name = "denoised")

  object = spata_obj,
  variables = example_genes,
  display_facets = FALSE
  ) +
  labs(title = "Denoised")
Figure 3.4 Differences in distribution between scaled and denoised expression (violinplot)Figure 3.4 Differences in distribution between scaled and denoised expression (violinplot)

Figure 3.4 Differences in distribution between scaled and denoised expression (violinplot)

  object = spata_obj,
  genes = example_genes,
  pt_alpha = 0.4,
  pt_size = 1.25
Figure 3.5 Differences in distribution between scaled and denoised expression (scatterplot)

Figure 3.5 Differences in distribution between scaled and denoised expression (scatterplot)