1. Prerequisites


2. Introduction & overview

With spatial trajectory analysis SPATA2 introduces a new approach to find, analyze and visualize differently expressed genes and gene-sets in a spatial context. While the classic differential gene expression analyzes differences between experimental groups as a whole it neglects changes of expression levels that can only be seen while maintaining the spatial dimensions. Spatial trajectories allow to answer questions that include such a spatial component. E.g.:

  1. In how far do expression levels change the more we move towards a region of interest?
  2. Which genes follow the same pattern along these paths?

The spatial trajectory tools provided in SPATA2 enable new ways of visualization as well as new possibilities to screen for genes.

As an example we are using a spatial transcriptomic sample of a central nervous system malignancy that features three different, adjacent histological areas: Tumor, a transition zone as well as infiltrated cortex.


object_t269 <- downloadSpataObject(sample_name = "269_T")

# load example image annotations

object_t269 <- 
    object = object_t269, 
    img_anns = image_annotations[["269_T"]],
    overwrite = TRUE

# plot results
plotImageGgplot(object = object_t269, frame_by = "coords") + 

  object = object_t269,
  tags = "hist_example", 
  square = TRUE,
  expand = 0.5, 
  encircle = FALSE, 
  nrow = 2, 
  display_caption = FALSE
Fig.1 Example sample T269.Fig.1 Example sample T269.

Fig.1 Example sample T269.

3. Set up spatial trajectories

Spatial trajectories can be added to the spata2 object via two functions, namely createSpatialTrajectory() and addSpatialTrajectory().

3.1 Interactive drawing

Fig.2 shows the interface of createSpatialTrajectories(). To draw a trajectory double click on the surface plot to mark the trajectory’s starting point and then double click again to mark the endpoint. The result should look somewhat like the trajectory drawn in Fig.2.

object_t269 <- createSpatialTrajectories(object = object_t269)
Fig.2 Interface of createSpatialTrajectories() with a drawn trajectory.

Fig.2 Interface of createSpatialTrajectories() with a drawn trajectory.

If you are satisfied with the course of the trajectory determine the width of the trajectory’s scope on the left and click on highlight. Then enter a valid ID with which you want to name the trajectory and click on ‘Save Trajectory’.

Fig.3 Adjust trajectory width, higlight the spots and enter a name.

Fig.3 Adjust trajectory width, higlight the spots and enter a name.

The trajectory should appear on the right side of the interface under ‘Trajectory IDs:’. Click on the name and click on ‘UPDATE PLOT’ to visualize the trajectory with the barcode-spots it includes on the histology image.

3.2 With code

Instead of drawing the spatial trajectory you can add it directly by explicitly naming its course via start- and endpoint using the function addSpatialTrajectory().

object_t269 <- 
    object = object_t269,
    id = "horizontal_mid",
    start = c("1.5mm", "3.5mm") ,
    end = c("6.5mm", "3.5mm") ,
    width = "2mm",
    overwrite = TRUE

4. Extract trajectory information

Spatial trajectories are stored in form of S4 objects of class SpatialTrajectory. The can be extracted via getSpatialTrajectory().

traj_ids <- getSpatialTrajectoryIds(object = object_t269)

## [1] "horizontal_mid"
traj_obj <- getSpatialTrajectory(object = object_t269, id = "horizontal_mid")

## An object of class "SpatialTrajectory"
## Slot "coords":
## # A tibble: 3,213 x 6
##    barcodes           sample     x     y section outline
##    <chr>              <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>   <lgl>  
##  1 AAACAAGTATCTCCCA-1 269_T  1450.  731. 1       FALSE  
##  2 AAACACCAATAACTGC-1 269_T   411.  547. 1       FALSE  
##  3 AAACAGAGCGACTCCT-1 269_T  1359. 1516  1       FALSE  
##  4 AAACATTTCCCGGATT-1 269_T  1386.  493. 1       FALSE  
##  5 AAACCCGAACGAAATC-1 269_T  1614.  838. 1       FALSE  
##  6 AAACCGGGTAGGTACC-1 269_T   527.  916. 1       FALSE  
##  7 AAACCGTTCGTCCAGG-1 269_T   700.  696  1       FALSE  
##  8 AAACCTAAGCAGCCGG-1 269_T  1210.  408. 1       FALSE  
##  9 AAACCTCATGAAGTTG-1 269_T   416. 1026. 1       FALSE  
## 10 AAACGAGACGGTTGAT-1 269_T  1167. 1061. 1       FALSE  
## # i 3,203 more rows
## Slot "info":
## $current_dim
## [1] 1939 2000    3
## $current_just
## $current_just$angle
## [1] 0
## $current_just$flipped
## $current_just$flipped$horizontal
## [1] FALSE
## $current_just$flipped$vertical
## [1] FALSE
## Slot "width_unit":
## [1] "mm"
## Slot "comment":
## [1] ""
## Slot "id":
## [1] "horizontal_mid"
## Slot "projection":
## # A tibble: 2,301 x 6
##    barcodes           sample     x     y projection_length trajectory_part
##    <chr>              <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>             <dbl> <chr>          
##  1 GCAACACACTAGAACT-1 269_T   377.  830             0.0397 Part 1         
##  2 TCAACATCGACCGAGA-1 269_T   377.  874.            0.439  Part 1         
##  3 TGCAGCTACGTACTTC-1 269_T   377.  917.            0.839  Part 1         
##  4 TTCAGGCGTCAAAGCC-1 269_T   378.  961.            1.24   Part 1         
##  5 GGGCCCTACGAAAGGG-1 269_T   378. 1004             1.64   Part 1         
##  6 TACTCGGCACGCCGGG-1 269_T   379. 1048.            2.44   Part 1         
##  7 TTACTATCGGCTTCTC-1 269_T   379. 1091.            2.84   Part 1         
##  8 CTGATAGTGTATCTCA-1 269_T   380. 1135.            3.24   Part 1         
##  9 AATGGTCCACCGTTCA-1 269_T   380. 1178.            3.64   Part 1         
## 10 TAACAATATTTGTTGC-1 269_T   381. 1222.            4.04   Part 1         
## # i 2,291 more rows
## Slot "sample":
## [1] "269_T"
## Slot "segment":
##          x        y     xend     yend   part
## 1 376.5661 878.6542 1631.786 878.6542 part_1
## Slot "width":
## [1] 502.0881

For more information on the S4 class use ?SpatialTrajectory.

5. Visualization with spatial trajectories

Spatial trajectories indicate a direction, in case of horizontal_mid it indicates the direction from left to right or from tumor to infiltrated cortex. This can be used to infer and visualize gene expression changes in space.

5.1 Numeric variables

The four genes EGFR, MBP, SNAP25 and BCL9 serve as an example. They first three are marker genes detected by DEA based on the histological grouping.

genes <- c("EGFR", "MBP", "SNAP25", "BCL9")

gene_colors <- color_vector(clrp = "npg", names = genes)

##        EGFR         MBP      SNAP25        BCL9 
## "#E64B35FF" "#4DBBD5FF" "#00A087FF" "#3C5488FF"
trajectory <- 
    object = object_t269, 
    ids = "horizontal_mid",
    size = 1

tissue_outline <- ggpLayerTissueOutline(object = object_t269)

plist <- 
    .x = gene_colors, 
    .f = function(color, gene){
      plotSurface(object_t269, color_by = gene, display_image = F) + 
        scale_color_gradient(low = alpha("white", 0), high = color) + 
        tissue_outline + 

wrap_plots(plist, ncol = 2)
Fig.4 Surface plots with trajectory course.

Fig.4 Surface plots with trajectory course.

The inferred expression changes along the trajectory can be plotted via line plots…

  object = object_t269, 
  id = "horizontal_mid",
  variables = genes, 
  smooth_se = TRUE, 
  clrp_adjust = gene_colors
Fig.5 Inferred gene expression along the trajectory with line plots.

Fig.5 Inferred gene expression along the trajectory with line plots.

… or ridgeplots.

  object = object_t269,
  id = "horizontal_mid",
  variables = genes, 
  clrp_adjust = gene_colors
) + legendNone()
Fig.6 Inferred gene expression along trajectory with ridgeplots.

Fig.6 Inferred gene expression along trajectory with ridgeplots.

5.2 Grouping variables

The changes of grouping variables along the trajectory can not be displayed with line plots but with bar plots

# load example list

object_t269 <- 
    object = object_t269,
    feature_df = spatial_segmentations[["269_T"]],
    overwrite = TRUE

# surface
hist_plot_surface <-
    object = object_t269,
    color_by = "histology",
    pt_clrp = "npg"

seurat_plot_surface <- 
    object = object_t269,
    color_by = "seurat_clusters",
    pt_clrp = "lo"

# bar plots
hist_barplot <- 
    object = object_t269,
    id = "horizontal_mid",
    grouping_variable = "histology",
    clrp = "npg"

seurat_barplot <- 
    object = object_t269,
    id = "horizontal_mid",
    grouping_variable = "seurat_clusters",
    clrp = "lo"

# plot results
hist_plot_surface + trajectory


seurat_plot_surface + trajectory 

Fig.7 Visualizing grouping variables.Fig.7 Visualizing grouping variables.Fig.7 Visualizing grouping variables.Fig.7 Visualizing grouping variables.

Fig.7 Visualizing grouping variables.