1. Prerequisites


2. Introduction & overview

With spatial trajectory analysis SPATA2 introduces a new approach to find, analyze and visualize differently expressed genes in a spatial context. While the classic differential gene expression analyzes differences between groups as a whole it neglects changes of expression levels that can only be observed while maintaining the spatial dimensions. Spatial trajectories allow to answer questions that include such a spatial component. In how far do expression levels change the more one moves towards a region of interest or away from it? Which genes follow the same pattern along these paths?

The spatial trajectory screening algorithm can be divided in three parts.

  • 1.) Setting up a spatial trajectory (drawing and vector projection)
  • 2.) Inferring gene expression changes along the trajectory.
  • 3.) Screening gene expression changes for biologically interesting behaviors by fitting expression changes against predefined models.

This vignette explains all steps of part 1.) and 2.) of the algorithm. Part 3.) is explained in the tutorial on Model Fitting in Spatial Transcriptomic Studies.

As an example we are using a spatial transcriptomic sample of a central nervous system malignancy that features three different, adjacent histological areas: Tumor, a transition zone as well as infiltrated cortex.


object_t269 <- downloadSpataObject(sample_name = "269_T")

# load example image annotations

object_t269 <- 
    object = object_t269, 
    img_anns = image_annotations[["269_T"]],
    overwrite = TRUE

# plot results
plotImageGgplot(object = object_t269) + 
  ggpLayerFrameByCoords(object = object_t269) +

  object = object_t269,
  tags = "hist_example", 
  square = TRUE,
  expand = 0.5, 
  encircle = FALSE, 
  nrow = 2, 
  display_caption = FALSE

3. Setting up a spatial trajectory

The example spatial trajectory that we are using throughout this vignette was drawn via the function addSpatialTrajectory() and is displayed in figure 1.1. It shows a surface plot that is colored by the expression of gene MPL. Next to it the example trajectory is visualized which runs across the whole sample indicating a from tumor to cortex-direction.

# creates trajectory manually 
# alternatively you can draw it interactively with `createSpatialTrajectories()`
object_t269 <- 
    object = object_t269, 
    id = "horizontal_mid",
    width = "1.5mm",
    start = c(x = "1.35mm", y = "4mm"),
    end = c(x = "6.35mm", y = "4mm"), 
    overwrite = TRUE

plotSurface(object = object_t269, color_by = "MAG") 

plotSpatialTrajectories(object = object_t269, ids = "horizontal_mid", color_by = "MAG")

Both functions, createSpatialTrajectories() and addSpatialTrajectory() result in the same. They set up spatial trajectories by doing the necessary computations and by storing the results in the spata2 object. createSpatialTrajectories() gives access to an interactive interface where start- and endpoint are set by clicking on the plot. With addSpatialTrajectory() start- and endpoint are set programmatically.

The process of setting up a trajectory can be splitted into three steps:

  • Step 1: Drawing the trajectory by setting the trajectory’s start and endpoint.
  • Step 2: Filtering the barcode-spots that fall into the trajectory’s reach.
  • Step 3: Integrating the trajectory’s direction by setting every barcode-spot in relation to the trajectory’s origin and computing the projection length.

The chapters below elaborate on each of these three steps and shows the underlying code that is needed to reproduce what is happening in the functions createSpatialTrajectories() or addSpatialTrajectory().

3.1 Drawing the trajectory

In order to draw the trajectory a surface plot is required. Extracting the coordinates of all barcode-spots via getCoordinates() provides the basic data.frame needed.

# get coordinate of barcode-spots
coords_df <- getCoordsDf(object = object_t269)

# show results 
## # A tibble: 3,213 x 6
##    barcodes           sample     x     y section outline
##    <chr>              <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>   <lgl>  
##  1 AAACAAGTATCTCCCA-1 269_T  1450.  731. 1       FALSE  
##  2 AAACACCAATAACTGC-1 269_T   411.  547. 1       FALSE  
##  3 AAACAGAGCGACTCCT-1 269_T  1359. 1516  1       FALSE  
##  4 AAACATTTCCCGGATT-1 269_T  1386.  493. 1       FALSE  
##  5 AAACCCGAACGAAATC-1 269_T  1614.  838. 1       FALSE  
##  6 AAACCGGGTAGGTACC-1 269_T   527.  916. 1       FALSE  
##  7 AAACCGTTCGTCCAGG-1 269_T   700.  696  1       FALSE  
##  8 AAACCTAAGCAGCCGG-1 269_T  1210.  408. 1       FALSE  
##  9 AAACCTCATGAAGTTG-1 269_T   416. 1026. 1       FALSE  
## 10 AAACGAGACGGTTGAT-1 269_T  1167. 1061. 1       FALSE  
## # i 3,203 more rows

The start- and endpoint of the trajectory are determined and stored in a data.frame like the one shown below.

as_pixel(input = c("1.35mm", "4mm", "6.35mm"), object = object_t269)
## [1]  338.9095 1004.1762 1594.1297
## attr(,"unit")
## [1] "px"
# using pixel units here
segm_df <- 
    x = 340,
    y = 1000,
    xend = 1600, 
    yend = 1000, 
    part = "part_1"

# show results 
## # A tibble: 1 x 5
##       x     y  xend  yend part  
##   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> 
## 1   340  1000  1600  1000 part_1

Mapping the x- and y-coordinates of the barcode-spots to the respective x- and y-aesthetics results in a basic surface plot. The data.frame above contains information about start- and endpoint of the trajectory which can be used to plot the trajectory’s course.

no_panel_grid <- 
    panel.grid.major = element_blank(), 
    panel.grid.minor = element_blank()

# display x- and y-coordinates of all barcode-spots
surface_plot <- 
  ggplot(data = coords_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y)) + 
  geom_point(color = "lightgrey", alpha = 0.5, size = 2) + # provide point geometry
  scale_color_add_on(aes = "fill", variable = "discrete", clrp = "milo") + # SPATA-intern wrapper 
  theme_bw() + 
  coord_equal() +
  no_panel_grid + 
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL)

# save the trajectory layer 
trajectory <- 
      data = segm_df, 
      mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend), 
      size = 1.75, 
      arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.125, "inches"))

# plot results
surface_plot +
  labs(subtitle = "a) Surface")

surface_plot +
  trajectory + 
  labs(subtitle = "b) Surface + trajectory")

3.2 Filtering barcode-spots

A trajectory includes only a subset of barcode-spots. To determine the barcode-spots that fall into the trajectory’s reach the trajectory’s width needs to be determined.

With that value two additional vectors can be computed that each cross the trajectory’s start- and endpoint orthogonally. Start- and endpoint of these crossing vectors determine the vertices of the rectangle that includes all the barcode-spots that fall into the trajectory’s reach. The higher the value for the trajectory’s width the wider it gets and the more barcode-spots it includes.

# determines the width of the trajectory (in pixel)
trajectory_width <- 350

start_point <- as.numeric(segm_df[1:2])
end_point <- as.numeric(segm_df[3:4])

trajectory_vec <- end_point - start_point

# show results
## [1] 1260    0
# factor with which to compute the width vector
trajectory_magnitude <- sqrt((trajectory_vec[1])^2 + (trajectory_vec[2])^2)
trajectory_factor <- trajectory_width / trajectory_magnitude

# orthogonal trajectory vector
orth_trajectory_vec <- (c(-trajectory_vec[2], trajectory_vec[1]) * trajectory_factor)

# show results
## [1]   0 350
# determine trajectory frame points 'tfps' making up the square that embraces
# the points
tfp1.1 <- start_point + orth_trajectory_vec
tfp1.2 <- start_point - orth_trajectory_vec
tfp2.1 <- end_point - orth_trajectory_vec
tfp2.2 <- end_point + orth_trajectory_vec

rectangular_df <- 
    x = c(tfp1.1[1], tfp1.2[1], tfp2.1[1], tfp2.2[1]), 
    y = c(tfp1.1[2], tfp1.2[2], tfp2.1[2], tfp2.2[2]), 
    label = c("A", "D", "C", "B")

# show results 
## # A tibble: 4 x 3
##       x     y label
##   <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1   340  1350 A    
## 2   340   650 D    
## 3  1600   650 C    
## 4  1600  1350 B

The function point.in.polygon()of the sp-package allows to filter the data.frame that contains information about all barcode-spots for those spots that fall into the polygon and thus in the trajectory’s reach.

# get a logical vector indicating if a barcode spot falls into the trajectory's reach or not 
positions <- 
    point.x = coords_df$x,
    point.y = coords_df$y,
    pol.x = rectangular_df$x,
    pol.y = rectangular_df$y

# show results
head(positions, 10)
##  [1] 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
# keep only those that fall into the trajectory's reach (not 0)
barcode_spots_of_interest <- coords_df[as.logical(positions), ]
# visualize filtered spots
trajectory_spots <- 
      data = barcode_spots_of_interest,
      mapping = aes(x = x, y = y),
      alpha = 0.5,
      size = 2, 
      color = "steelblue"

# visualize the vertices of the polygon
# based on which the barcode-spots were filtered
vertices <- 
    data = rectangular_df,
    mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = label), 
    size = 7.5

# plot results
surface_plot + trajectory_spots + trajectory + vertices

3.3 Integrating a spatial direction

In order to integrate the direction of the trajectory as an informative variable every barcode-spot needs to be set into relation to the trajectory’s course. The closer a barcode-spot is located towards the trajectory’s origin the smaller the respective value needs to be.

This is achieved by projecting the barcode-spots position onto the vector that corresponds to the trajectory’s course. The local coordinate system of the figure below is build around all relevant barcode-spots whereby it’s x- and y-axis correspond to the trajectory’s width (local width axis, lwa) and the trajectory itself (local length axis, lla), albeit displaced towards the edge.

# set up a local coordinate system 
lcs <- data.frame(
  x = c(tfp1.1[1], tfp1.1[1]),
  y = c(tfp1.1[2], tfp1.1[2]),
  xend = c(tfp2.2[1], tfp1.2[1]),
  yend = c(tfp2.2[2], tfp1.2[2]),
  use = c("local length axis", "local width axis")

# show results
##     x    y xend yend               use
## 1 340 1350 1600 1350 local length axis
## 2 340 1350  340  650  local width axis
# local coordinate system layer
local_coordinate_system <- 
      data = lcs, 
      mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend),
      arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.125, "inches")),
      size = 1.5

# plot results
surface_plot + 
  trajectory_spots + 

The local length axis inherits it’s direction and course from the original trajectory. In order to arrange the barcode-spots according to the trajectory’s direction their projection onto the local length axis needs to be calculated via vector-projection which requires two main steps.

1.) Calculate vector a that connects the barcode-spot of interest to the origin of the local coordinate system. Then project vector a onto the local length axis (lla) such that \(\vec{proj} = \frac{\vec{sto} * \vec{traj}}{||\vec{traj}||^2} * \vec{traj}\)

2.) Calculate the magnitude of the vector that corresponds to the projection: \(proj.length = |\vec{proj}|\)

The higher the calculated projection length the higher the distance between the barcode-spot and the origin of the trajectory.

vector_projection <- function(lcs, x_coordinate, y_coordinate){

  # vector from point of interest to origin of local coord system: vector to origin 'vto'
  vto <- c((x_coordinate - lcs$x[1]), (y_coordinate - lcs$y[1]))

  # define local length axis (= relocated trajectory): 'lla'
  lla <- c((lcs$xend[1] - lcs$x[1]), (lcs$yend[1] - lcs$y[1]))

  # define lambda coefficient
  lambda <- ((vto[1] * lla[1]) + (vto[2] * lla[2])) / sqrt((lla[1])^2 + (lla[2])^2)^2

  # projecting vector on local length axis
  pv <- lambda * (lla)

  # compute the length of the projected vector -> projection length!
  res <- sqrt((pv[1])^2 + (pv[2])^2)

  # return the result


# points of interest data.frame
barcode_spots_arranged <-
  group_by(.data = barcode_spots_of_interest, barcodes) %>%
  mutate(projection_length = vector_projection(lcs = lcs, x, y)) %>%
  arrange(projection_length) %>%  # arrange barcodes according to their projection value

# show results
## # A tibble: 1,623 x 7
##    barcodes           sample     x     y section outline projection_length
##    <chr>              <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>   <lgl>               <dbl>
##  1 GATCGGATAGAACCAT-1 269_T   340.  939. 1       TRUE                0.225
##  2 ACGCTGTGAGGCGTAG-1 269_T   341.  983. 1       FALSE               0.624
##  3 GTCTACTCAATTACAA-1 269_T   341. 1026. 1       FALSE               1.02 
##  4 CACTCGGTTAGGAGGA-1 269_T   341. 1070  1       FALSE               1.42 
##  5 GGTTGTGTAGCCTGGC-1 269_T   342. 1113. 1       FALSE               2.22 
##  6 GCGTTATATTTGGAAC-1 269_T   343. 1157. 1       FALSE               2.62 
##  7 GTCAGTTTGGTAGTCG-1 269_T   343. 1200. 1       FALSE               3.02 
##  8 GCTAAGTAAAGGCGAT-1 269_T   343. 1244  1       FALSE               3.42 
##  9 GCTCGCGGTTCCGCTC-1 269_T   344. 1288. 1       FALSE               3.82 
## 10 GCAGATCCTCGCAAAT-1 269_T   344. 1331. 1       FALSE               4.22 
## # i 1,613 more rows

The projection length of every barcode spot in relation to the spatial trajectory can be visualized by coloring the spots accordingly.

# projection length layer
projected_length <- 
      data = barcode_spots_arranged,
      size = 2,
      mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = projection_length)
    scale_color_add_on(clrsp = "plasma"), 
    labs(color = "Projection-\nLength (PL)")

# plot results 
surface_plot + projected_length + local_coordinate_system

This is what happens when a spatial trajectory is added via addSpatialTrajectory() or created interactively by createSpatialTrajectories() (which in turn uses addSpatialtrajectory()). The results, namely the projection length information of the barcode-spots in combination with the course of the trajectory are stored in an S4 object of class SpatialTrajectory within the spata2 object.

traj_obj <- getSpatialTrajectory(object = object_t269, id = "horizontal_mid")

## An object of class "SpatialTrajectory"
## Slot "coords":
## # A tibble: 3,213 x 6
##    barcodes           sample     x     y section outline
##    <chr>              <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>   <lgl>  
##  1 AAACAAGTATCTCCCA-1 269_T  1450.  731. 1       FALSE  
##  2 AAACACCAATAACTGC-1 269_T   411.  547. 1       FALSE  
##  3 AAACAGAGCGACTCCT-1 269_T  1359. 1516  1       FALSE  
##  4 AAACATTTCCCGGATT-1 269_T  1386.  493. 1       FALSE  
##  5 AAACCCGAACGAAATC-1 269_T  1614.  838. 1       FALSE  
##  6 AAACCGGGTAGGTACC-1 269_T   527.  916. 1       FALSE  
##  7 AAACCGTTCGTCCAGG-1 269_T   700.  696  1       FALSE  
##  8 AAACCTAAGCAGCCGG-1 269_T  1210.  408. 1       FALSE  
##  9 AAACCTCATGAAGTTG-1 269_T   416. 1026. 1       FALSE  
## 10 AAACGAGACGGTTGAT-1 269_T  1167. 1061. 1       FALSE  
## # i 3,203 more rows
## Slot "info":
## $current_dim
## [1] 1939 2000    3
## $current_just
## $current_just$angle
## [1] 0
## $current_just$flipped
## $current_just$flipped$horizontal
## [1] FALSE
## $current_just$flipped$vertical
## [1] FALSE
## Slot "width_unit":
## [1] "mm"
## Slot "comment":
## [1] ""
## Slot "id":
## [1] "horizontal_mid"
## Slot "projection":
## # A tibble: 1,733 x 6
##    barcodes           sample     x     y projection_length trajectory_part
##    <chr>              <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>             <dbl> <chr>          
##  1 TGCGAATATGGGATTT-1 269_T   339.  852.             0.116 Part 1         
##  2 TTGTGAGGCATGACGC-1 269_T   340.  896.             0.915 Part 1         
##  3 GATCGGATAGAACCAT-1 269_T   340.  939.             1.32  Part 1         
##  4 ACGCTGTGAGGCGTAG-1 269_T   341.  983.             1.71  Part 1         
##  5 GTCTACTCAATTACAA-1 269_T   341. 1026.             2.11  Part 1         
##  6 CACTCGGTTAGGAGGA-1 269_T   341. 1070              2.51  Part 1         
##  7 GGTTGTGTAGCCTGGC-1 269_T   342. 1113.             3.31  Part 1         
##  8 GCGTTATATTTGGAAC-1 269_T   343. 1157.             3.71  Part 1         
##  9 GTCAGTTTGGTAGTCG-1 269_T   343. 1200.             4.11  Part 1         
## 10 GCTAAGTAAAGGCGAT-1 269_T   343. 1244              4.51  Part 1         
## # i 1,723 more rows
## Slot "sample":
## [1] "269_T"
## Slot "segment":
##          x        y    xend     yend   part
## 1 338.9095 1004.176 1594.13 1004.176 part_1
## Slot "width":
## [1] 376.5661

4. Inferring expression changes of genes along the trajectory

The barcode-spots are now arranged according to their projection onto the trajectory. By assigning them to groups by their projection_length-values they are sorted into bins for which the average expression values are calculated and in return plotted against the trajectory’s direction. The example sorts the barcode-spots in 7 bins.

(A higher number of bins is recommended to increase the resolution. In fact, we recommend to determine the number of bins by specifying the binwidth. We stick to 7 during this example to keep the plots clear and easy to understand.)

# use n_bins to specify the number of bins explicitly for visualization purposes
# scroll down to the end of the vignette on why binwidth might be better
n_bins <- 10

barcode_spots_binned <- 
    .data = barcode_spots_arranged, 
    bins_order = cut(projection_length, breaks = n_bins)

# show results
## # A tibble: 1,623 x 8
##    barcodes      sample     x     y section outline projection_length bins_order
##    <chr>         <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>   <lgl>               <dbl> <fct>     
##  1 GATCGGATAGAA~ 269_T   340.  939. 1       TRUE                0.225 (-1.03,12~
##  2 ACGCTGTGAGGC~ 269_T   341.  983. 1       FALSE               0.624 (-1.03,12~
##  3 GTCTACTCAATT~ 269_T   341. 1026. 1       FALSE               1.02  (-1.03,12~
##  4 CACTCGGTTAGG~ 269_T   341. 1070  1       FALSE               1.42  (-1.03,12~
##  5 GGTTGTGTAGCC~ 269_T   342. 1113. 1       FALSE               2.22  (-1.03,12~
##  6 GCGTTATATTTG~ 269_T   343. 1157. 1       FALSE               2.62  (-1.03,12~
##  7 GTCAGTTTGGTA~ 269_T   343. 1200. 1       FALSE               3.02  (-1.03,12~
##  8 GCTAAGTAAAGG~ 269_T   343. 1244  1       FALSE               3.42  (-1.03,12~
##  9 GCTCGCGGTTCC~ 269_T   344. 1288. 1       FALSE               3.82  (-1.03,12~
## 10 GCAGATCCTCGC~ 269_T   344. 1331. 1       FALSE               4.22  (-1.03,12~
## # i 1,613 more rows
averaged_points <- 
  group_by(.data = barcode_spots_binned, bins_order) %>% 
  summarise(x = mean(x), y = mean(y))  %>% 
    trajectory_order = as.numeric(bins_order) # convert factor levels to numbers

projection_length_binned <- 
      data = barcode_spots_binned,
      mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = bins_order)

order_averaged <- 
      data = barcode_spots_binned,
      mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = bins_order),
      alpha = 0.3
      data = averaged_points,
      mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = bins_order, label = trajectory_order),
      size = 10

# plot results
surface_plot +
  projection_length_binned +
  trajectory +

surface_plot +

Using the barcodes-variable as the id variable expression-values (or any other kind of numeric variable) can be joined to the data.frame containing the arranged and grouped barcode-spots as shown in the data.frame below.

genes_of_interest <- c("EGFR", "MAG")

joined_df <- 
    object = object_t269,
    spata_df = barcode_spots_binned, 
    genes = genes_of_interest
# show results 
## # A tibble: 1,623 x 10
##    barcodes      sample     x     y section outline projection_length bins_order
##    <chr>         <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>   <lgl>               <dbl> <fct>     
##  1 GATCGGATAGAA~ 269_T   340.  939. 1       TRUE                0.225 (-1.03,12~
##  2 ACGCTGTGAGGC~ 269_T   341.  983. 1       FALSE               0.624 (-1.03,12~
##  3 GTCTACTCAATT~ 269_T   341. 1026. 1       FALSE               1.02  (-1.03,12~
##  4 CACTCGGTTAGG~ 269_T   341. 1070  1       FALSE               1.42  (-1.03,12~
##  5 GGTTGTGTAGCC~ 269_T   342. 1113. 1       FALSE               2.22  (-1.03,12~
##  6 GCGTTATATTTG~ 269_T   343. 1157. 1       FALSE               2.62  (-1.03,12~
##  7 GTCAGTTTGGTA~ 269_T   343. 1200. 1       FALSE               3.02  (-1.03,12~
##  8 GCTAAGTAAAGG~ 269_T   343. 1244  1       FALSE               3.42  (-1.03,12~
##  9 GCTCGCGGTTCC~ 269_T   344. 1288. 1       FALSE               3.82  (-1.03,12~
## 10 GCAGATCCTCGC~ 269_T   344. 1331. 1       FALSE               4.22  (-1.03,12~
## # i 1,613 more rows
## # i 2 more variables: EGFR <dbl>, MAG <dbl>
averaged_df <- 
  group_by(joined_df, bins_order) %>% 
      .cols = any_of(genes_of_interest),
      .fns = ~ mean(.x) 
# show results
## # A tibble: 10 x 3
##    bins_order           EGFR     MAG
##    <fct>               <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 (-1.03,126]         0.707 0.00738
##  2 (126,251]           0.734 0.00474
##  3 (251,376]           0.749 0.00920
##  4 (376,502]           0.748 0.0381 
##  5 (502,627]           0.666 0.278  
##  6 (627,753]           0.483 0.325  
##  7 (753,878]           0.350 0.110  
##  8 (878,1e+03]         0.275 0.0615 
##  9 (1e+03,1.13e+03]    0.202 0.0501 
## 10 (1.13e+03,1.26e+03] 0.223 0.0458
normalized_df <- 
  ungroup(averaged_df) %>% 
      .cols = any_of(genes_of_interest),
      .fns = confuns::normalize

# show results 
## # A tibble: 10 x 3
##    bins_order            EGFR     MAG
##    <fct>                <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 (-1.03,126]         0.924  0.00824
##  2 (126,251]           0.973  0      
##  3 (251,376]           1      0.0139 
##  4 (376,502]           0.999  0.104  
##  5 (502,627]           0.849  0.852  
##  6 (627,753]           0.513  1      
##  7 (753,878]           0.270  0.328  
##  8 (878,1e+03]         0.133  0.177  
##  9 (1e+03,1.13e+03]    0      0.141  
## 10 (1.13e+03,1.26e+03] 0.0384 0.128
plot_df <- 
  # shift to use facet_wrap
    data = normalized_df, 
    cols = any_of(genes_of_interest),
    names_to = "genes",
    values_to = "values"
  ) %>% 
  mutate(trajectory_order = as.numeric(bins_order)) 

traj_plots <- 
    .x = genes_of_interest,
    .f = ~ 
        object = object_t269,
        ids = "horizontal_mid",
        color_by = .x, 
        sgmt_size = 1

# plot results
ggplot(plot_df, mapping = aes(x = trajectory_order, y = values)) + 
  geom_point(color = "blue", size = 2.5) +
  geom_path(color = "blue") + 
    alpha = 0.5, 
    color = "red",
    method = "loess", 
    formula = y ~ x, 
    span = 0.5
    ) + 
  theme_bw() + 
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:n_bins, labels = 1:n_bins) + 
  facet_wrap(facets = . ~ genes, ncol = 1) + 
  labs(x = "Trajectory Order (Bins)", y = "Inferred Expression") | # use patchwork | operator
  (traj_plots[[1]] / traj_plots[[2]])

This is what happens in plotTrajectoryLineplot() and plotTrajectoryHeatmap().

traj_df <- 
    object = object_t269,
    id = "horizontal_mid",
    variables = genes_of_interest,
    format = "wide"

# show results
## # A tibble: 1,733 x 8
##    barcodes     sample     x     y projection_length trajectory_part  EGFR   MAG
##    <chr>        <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>             <dbl> <chr>           <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 TGCGAATATGG~ 269_T   339.  852.             0.116 Part 1          0.746 0    
##  2 TTGTGAGGCAT~ 269_T   340.  896.             0.915 Part 1          0.746 0.245
##  3 GATCGGATAGA~ 269_T   340.  939.             1.32  Part 1          0.624 0    
##  4 ACGCTGTGAGG~ 269_T   341.  983.             1.71  Part 1          0.659 0    
##  5 GTCTACTCAAT~ 269_T   341. 1026.             2.11  Part 1          0.867 0    
##  6 CACTCGGTTAG~ 269_T   341. 1070              2.51  Part 1          0.659 0    
##  7 GGTTGTGTAGC~ 269_T   342. 1113.             3.31  Part 1          0.813 0    
##  8 GCGTTATATTT~ 269_T   343. 1157.             3.71  Part 1          0.624 0    
##  9 GTCAGTTTGGT~ 269_T   343. 1200.             4.11  Part 1          0.813 0    
## 10 GCTAAGTAAAG~ 269_T   343. 1244              4.51  Part 1          0.483 0    
## # i 1,723 more rows
  object = object_t269,
  id = "horizontal_mid",
  variables = genes_of_interest, 
  ncol = 1, 
  n_bins = n_bins,
  smooth_span = 0.5
) + geom_point()

  object = object_t269,
  id = "horizontal_mid",
  variables = genes_of_interest, 
  smooth_span = 0.2

5. Binwidth vs. number of bins

The resolution of the binning is set up via the argument n_bins which explicitly specifies the number of bins or binwidth which specifies the width of each bin. For visualization purposes we chose n_binsin the example above but we recommend to use the argument binwidth and setting it to the distance between the barcode-spots using getCCD(). This results in bins that contain one layer of barcode-spot each.

bcsp_dist <- getCCD(object = object_t269, unit = "px")

# show results
## [1] 25.1044
## attr(,"unit")
## [1] "px"
traj_df_small <- 
  traj_obj@projection %>% 
  filter(projection_length <= (getCCD(object_t269, "px")*20)) %>% 
  mutate(projection_length = round(projection_length, 5)) %>% 
  bin_projection_df(binwidth = bcsp_dist, n_bins = NA) %>% 
  mutate(proj_length_binned = as.factor(proj_length_binned)) 

# plot results
surface_plot + 
    data = traj_df_small, 
    mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = proj_length_binned)
  ) + 
    variable = traj_df_small[["proj_length_binned"]], 
    clrp = "milo"
    ) + 

6. Screening gene expression changes

Click here to be guided to the vignette that explains how the inferred expression changes are fitted to models to find biologically relevant dynamics along the trajectory.