2. Introduction & overview

Many algorithms have been developed to identify genes in spatial transcriptomic studies that are expressed in a spatially meaningful manner. E.g. SPARKX, Trendseek, SpatialDE. Drawback of these algorithms is that they only detect genes of interest but rarely come with additional information that allow biological interpretation. Additionally, they always take the sample as a whole and do not allow the user to specify histological regions of interest that require further investigation regarding the impact they have on the rest of the sample. To address this, we have created Image annotations screening (IAS). In combination with our recently introduced image annotation system, IAS allows to screen for genes that feature interesting expression patterns in relation to histological structures or user defined regions as a function of distance to them.

This tutorial guides you through all of its main functions. For a more detailed explanation on how IAS works click here to be guided to the code and concept behind image annotation screening.


object_t313 <- SPATAData::downloadSpataObject(sample_name = "313_T", file = NULL)

object_t313 <- setDefault(object_t313, pt_clrsp = "Reds 3", display_image = FALSE)

3. Setting up the algorithm

Image annotation screening requires four aspects must be specified.

    1. The image annotation that encircles the area of interest, using argument id.
    1. The area surrounding the image annotation that is screened. This is done with a combination of arguments distance, binwidth and n_bins_circle.
    1. Further confinement of the area by angle, using argument angle_span.
    1. The resolution of the screening, using argument n_bins_angle.

3.1 The image annotation of interest

At first, the area of interest must be captured within an image annotation. This is done with createImageAnnotation(). The sample that will be used in this tutorial is the same as the one that’s used in the image annotation tutorial. Example image annotations are provided in the list image_annotationsand can be directly added using setImageAnnotation(). The image annotation that is used throughout this vignette encircles a necrotic area that is located in the center of the Glioblastoma. It carries the ID necrotic_center.

# load example list

# load example or create interactively with createImageAnnotations()
object_t313 <- 
    object = object_t313, 
    img_ann = image_annotations[["313_T"]][["necrotic_center"]],
    overwrite = TRUE

plotImageGgplot(object = object_t313)

plotImageAnnotations(object = object_t313, ids = "necrotic_center", expand = 0.2)
Fig.1 Glioblastoma T313 with it's prominent necrosis region.Fig.1 Glioblastoma T313 with it's prominent necrosis region.

Fig.1 Glioblastoma T313 with it’s prominent necrosis region.

3.2 The area surrounding the image annotation

After deciding on the image annotation of interest with the argument id, here id = 'necrotic_center', the area around the image annotation that is included in the screening process must be set up. To set up the area that is screened two of the three arguments distance, binwidth and n_bins_circle must be specified. The set up can be checked and visualized with the function plotSurfaceIAS().

bcsp_dist <- getCCD(object_t313, unit = "mm")

# show results
## 0.1 [mm]
  object = object_t313, 
  id = "necrotic_center", # the ID of the image annotation of interest
  distance = "1mm",
  binwidth = bcsp_dist, 
  pt_clrp = "milo", # use colorful panel to highlight the bins
  display_bins_angle = FALSE, 
  ggpLayers = labs(subtitle = "a)")

  object = object_t313, 
  id = "necrotic_center", # the ID of the image annotation of interest
  distance = "2.25mm", # covers the whole sample
  binwidth = bcsp_dist*2, # two layers of spots per bine
  display_bins_angle = FALSE,
  ggpLayers = labs(subtitle = "b)")
Fig.2 Visualize the area that is included in the screening process.Fig.2 Visualize the area that is included in the screening process.

Fig.2 Visualize the area that is included in the screening process.

3.3 Further confining the area by angle

To further confine the screened area you can use angle_span.

  object = object_t313, 
  id = "necrotic_center", # the ID of the image annotation of interest
  distance = "2.25mm",
  binwidth = bcsp_dist, 
  angle_span = c(45,225), # use angle_span to confine the area based on angle
  display_bins_angle = FALSE,
  ggpLayers = labs(subtitle = "a)")

  object = object_t313, 
  id = "necrotic_center", # the ID of the image annotation of interest
  distance = "2.25mm",
  binwidth = bcsp_dist, 
  angle_span = c(45, 225),
  display_bins_angle = FALSE, 
  ggpLayers = labs(subtitle = "b)")
Fig.3 Confining the area by an angle span.Fig.3 Confining the area by an angle span.

Fig.3 Confining the area by an angle span.

3.4 The resolution

Gene expression changes area inferred by binning the barcode-spots by their distance to the area of interest and by aligning mean gene expression of each bin. To increase the resolution, the barcode-spots can be additionally binned by angle. Argument n_bins_angle defaults to 1.

  object = object_t313, 
  id = "necrotic_center",
  distance = "2.25mm", 
  n_bins_angle = 1
Fig.4 One angle bin.

Fig.4 One angle bin.

By increasing n_bins_angle inferring gene expression changes and the model fitting takes place within each angle-bin. The final evaluation that tells whether a gene is expressed in an e.g. descending way starting from the image annotation consists of a summary of all gene-model-fits per angle bin.

  object = object_t313, 
  id = "necrotic_center",
  distance = "2.25mm", 
  n_bins_angle = 12
Fig.5 Twelve angle bins.

Fig.5 Twelve angle bins.

Increasing the resolution ensures that detected genes follow a certain trend everywhere around the image annotation which results in fewer false-positives but also in fewer true-positives. This is because genes might be excluded due to a bad evaluation in one angle-bin that might affect the overall evaluation in a way that it is discarded although within the remaining angle-bins the evaluation were good.

4. Running the algorithm

Once you’ve decided on the screening parameters, specify them within the function imageAnnotationScreening() which runs the algorithm. The parameter variables takes the numeric variables that are included in the screening process. Usually it’s gene names. Image annotation screening, however, is not restricted to genes as virtually every numeric variable (e.g. nCount_Genes, nCount_Features, gene sets, etc.) can be fitted to spatially meaningful patterns, too. Therefore, the argument for the input is simply called variables.

Here, we are using the genes that were already identified as spatially variable by SPARKX. The goal is to further analyze which of the genes are expressed in a spatial relation to the necrotic center. In particular, we want to find genes associated with necrosis using the descending models and genes repelled by necrosis using the ascending models.

# this is a wrapper around SPARK::sparkx()
object_t313 <- runSparkx(object = object_t313)

spark_df <- getSparkxGeneDf(object = object_t313, threshold_pval = 0.01)

# extract genes with a sparkx pvalue of 0.01 or lower
sparkx_genes <- spark_df[["genes"]]

# show results

# show results (> 10 000 genes detected as spatially variable with a p-value of < 0.01)
## # A tibble: 10,804 x 3
##    genes   combinedPval adjustedPval
##    <chr>          <dbl>        <dbl>
##  1 B2M        7.11e-275    1.46e-269
##  2 SERF2      1.97e-261    2.02e-256
##  3 HLA-B      1.18e-247    8.07e-243
##  4 ACTB       3.33e-243    1.71e-238
##  5 MYL6       8.77e-241    3.60e-236
##  6 UBC        4.00e-238    1.37e-233
##  7 ATP5F1E    1.03e-231    3.02e-227
##  8 ACTG1      7.41e-229    1.91e-224
##  9 H3F3A      2.66e-227    6.07e-223
## 10 S100A11    2.29e-226    4.71e-222
## # i 10,794 more rows
##  chr [1:10804] "B2M" "SERF2" "HLA-B" "ACTB" "MYL6" "UBC" "ATP5F1E" "ACTG1" ...
# models that screen for genes that ...
models_of_interest <- 
  c("linear_ascending", # ... increase gradually with the distance to the necrosis (repelled)
    "late_ascending", # ... increase logarithmically with the distance to necrosis (stronger repelled)
    "immediate_descending", # ... decrease logarithmically with the distance to necrosis (strongly associated)
    "linear_descending" # ... decrease gradually with the distance to necrosis (associated)

n_bins_circle <- 20

  input = n_bins_circle, # length of the model vector
  model_subset = models_of_interest
) + 
  labs(x = "Circle Bins (Distance to Necrosis)")
Fig.6 The models against which gene expression is fitted.

Fig.6 The models against which gene expression is fitted.

# run the algorithm and save the output in a new object
IAS_T313 <- 
    object = object_t313, # the spata object
    id = "necrotic_center", # the image annotation of interest
    variables = sparkx_genes, # the variables/genes to screen
    n_bins_circle = 20, 
    distance = "2.25mm",
    model_subset = models_of_interest # the models against which all genes are fitted 
## 14:08:48 Specified `distance` = 2.25mm and `n_bins_circle` = 20. Calculated `binwidth` = 0.1125mm.

Note: The output of imageAnnotationScreening() is not saved in the spata2 object but returned in a separate S4 object of class ImageAnnotationScreening. Do not overwrite the spata2 object by writing object_t313 <- imageAnnotationScreening(object = object_t313, id = "necrotic_center", ...).

5. Results

5.1 Visualization

To get an overview of the screening as well as a first visualization of the results use plotOverview. It sorts the genes by their best model-fit and plots the evaluation score against the p-value for every model.

  object = IAS_T313,
  label_vars = 5, 
  label_size = 3
Fig.7 Visualize gene evaluation by model.

Fig.7 Visualize gene evaluation by model.

# using ten circle bins to visualize the concept
ias_layer_bins <- 
    object = object_t313,
    distance = "2.25mm", 
    n_bins_circle = 10, 
    id = "necrotic_center",
    line_size = 1

# using only one circle bin to visualize the screening area
ias_layer_range <- 
    object = object_t313,
    distance = "2.25mm", 
    n_bins_circle = 1, 
    id = "necrotic_center",
    line_size = 1

example_genes <- 
    imm_desc = c("IGFBP3", "CD44"),
    lin_desc = c("FN1", "COL6A3"),
    lin_asc = c("SERF2", "MYL6"),
    late_asc = c("TRMT112", "LAPTM5")

  object = object_t313,
  color_by = example_genes$imm_desc, 
  nrow = 1 
) + 
  ias_layer_bins + 
  labs(subtitle = "a) Immediate Descending")

  object = object_t313,
  color_by = example_genes$lin_desc, 
  nrow = 1 
) + 
  ias_layer_range + 
  labs(subtitle = "b) Linear descending")

  object = object_t313,
  color_by = example_genes$lin_asc, 
  nrow = 1 
) + 
  ias_layer_range + 
  labs(subtitle = "c) Linear ascending")

  object = object_t313,
  color_by = example_genes$late_asc, 
  nrow = 1 
) + 
  ias_layer_range + 
  labs(subtitle = "d) Late ascending")
Fig.8 Visualize gene expression on the surface.Fig.8 Visualize gene expression on the surface.Fig.8 Visualize gene expression on the surface.Fig.8 Visualize gene expression on the surface.

Fig.8 Visualize gene expression on the surface.

The inferred gene expression can be visualized with plotIasLineplot().

genes_vec <- flatten_chr(example_genes)

  object = object_t313, 
  id = "necrotic_center",
  distance = "2.25mm",
  n_bins_circle = 20,
  variables = genes_vec, 
  include_area = FALSE,
  line_color = "red",
  display_border = TRUE,
  border_linesize = 0.75,
  border_linetype = "solid" # corresponds to the border of the image annotation
Fig.9 Lineplots used to visualize the inferred gene expression.

Fig.9 Lineplots used to visualize the inferred gene expression.

The function plotVolcano() makes use of the concept of volcano plots as often used in DE-analyis to visualize the significance as well as the log fold change of differentially expressed genes. Here the left and the right side of the plot is used to display genes that have inverse gene expression pattern.

  object = IAS_T313,
  left = "late_ascending", 
  right = "immediate_descending",
  eval = "ias_score",
  pval = "p_value_mean_adjusted",
  threshold_eval = 0.75,
  threshold_pval = 0.05, 
  label_vars = 5, # label the top 5 genes 
  label_size = 3
Fig.10 Visualize genes that have an inverse spatial expression pattern.

Fig.10 Visualize genes that have an inverse spatial expression pattern.

5.2 Extract results

Results can be extracted as data.frames with getResultsDf() or as character vectors of variable names with getResultsVec().

# complete results (left)
res_df_all <-
  getResultsDf(object = IAS_T313) %>% 

# subset results (right)
res_df_best <- 
    object = IAS_T313,
    threshold_eval = 0.75,
    threshold_pval = 0.05, 
    best_only = TRUE # only best model fit
  ) %>% 
## # A tibble: 200 x 16
## # Groups:   models [1]
##    variables models        ias_score n_bins_angle corr_mean corr_median corr_min
##    <chr>     <chr>             <dbl>        <int>     <dbl>       <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 IGFBP3    immediate_de~     0.907            1     0.927       0.927    0.927
##  2 TNC       immediate_de~     0.894            1     0.904       0.904    0.904
##  3 CD44      immediate_de~     0.886            1     0.934       0.934    0.934
##  4 THBS2     immediate_de~     0.879            1     0.887       0.887    0.887
##  5 GREM1     immediate_de~     0.878            1     0.979       0.979    0.979
##  6 P4HA2     immediate_de~     0.877            1     0.917       0.917    0.917
##  7 ARL4C     immediate_de~     0.876            1     0.918       0.918    0.918
##  8 CTSK      immediate_de~     0.874            1     0.849       0.849    0.849
##  9 MMP2      immediate_de~     0.873            1     0.869       0.869    0.869
## 10 LOXL2     immediate_de~     0.870            1     0.846       0.846    0.846
## # i 190 more rows
## # i 9 more variables: corr_max <dbl>, corr_sd <dbl>, raoc_mean <dbl>,
## #   p_value_mean <dbl>, p_value_median <dbl>, p_value_combined <dbl>,
## #   p_value_mean_adjusted <dbl>, p_value_median_adjusted <dbl>,
## #   p_value_combined_adjusted <dbl>
## # A tibble: 200 x 16
## # Groups:   models [2]
##    variables models        ias_score n_bins_angle corr_mean corr_median corr_min
##    <chr>     <chr>             <dbl>        <int>     <dbl>       <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 IGFBP3    immediate_de~     0.907            1     0.927       0.927    0.927
##  2 TNC       immediate_de~     0.894            1     0.904       0.904    0.904
##  3 CD44      immediate_de~     0.886            1     0.934       0.934    0.934
##  4 THBS2     immediate_de~     0.879            1     0.887       0.887    0.887
##  5 GREM1     immediate_de~     0.878            1     0.979       0.979    0.979
##  6 P4HA2     immediate_de~     0.877            1     0.917       0.917    0.917
##  7 ARL4C     immediate_de~     0.876            1     0.918       0.918    0.918
##  8 CTSK      immediate_de~     0.874            1     0.849       0.849    0.849
##  9 MMP2      immediate_de~     0.873            1     0.869       0.869    0.869
## 10 LOXL2     immediate_de~     0.870            1     0.846       0.846    0.846
## # i 190 more rows
## # i 9 more variables: corr_max <dbl>, corr_sd <dbl>, raoc_mean <dbl>,
## #   p_value_mean <dbl>, p_value_median <dbl>, p_value_combined <dbl>,
## #   p_value_mean_adjusted <dbl>, p_value_median_adjusted <dbl>,
## #   p_value_combined_adjusted <dbl>
imm_desc_genes <- 
    object = IAS_T313,
    model_subset = "immediate_descending",
    threshold_eval = 0.75,
    threshold_pval = 0.05
  ) %>% 
  head(8) # keep top 8

#show results
## immediate_descending immediate_descending immediate_descending 
##             "IGFBP3"                "TNC"               "CD44" 
## immediate_descending immediate_descending immediate_descending 
##              "THBS2"              "GREM1"              "P4HA2" 
## immediate_descending immediate_descending 
##              "ARL4C"               "CTSK"
# plot results
  object = object_t313,
  color_by = imm_desc_genes,
  nrow = 2
) + 
Fig.11 Top 8 genes that were identified as closely associated with necrosis.

Fig.11 Top 8 genes that were identified as closely associated with necrosis.

late_asc_genes <- 
    object = IAS_T313,
    model_subset = "late_ascending",
    threshold_eval = 0.75,
    threshold_pval = 0.05
  ) %>% 
  head(8) # keep top 8

#show results
## late_ascending late_ascending late_ascending late_ascending late_ascending 
##         "UBL5"      "TRMT112"       "LAPTM5"       "UQCR11"        "PSME1" 
## late_ascending late_ascending late_ascending 
##       "PET100"     "C12orf57"    "TNFRSF12A"
# plot results
  object = object_t313,
  color_by = late_asc_genes,
  nrow = 2
) +
Fig.12 Top 8 genes that were identified as repelled with necrosis.

Fig.12 Top 8 genes that were identified as repelled with necrosis.

6. The S4 ImageAnnotationScreening class

Image annotation screening results are stored in an S4 object of class ImageAnnotationScreening. Use ?ImageAnnotationScreening to read the description. Note that ImageAnnotationScreening is the class name. imageAnnotationScreening() is the function that runs the algorithm.

## [1] "ImageAnnotationScreening"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "SPATA2"
##  [1] "angle_span"      "binwidth"        "coords"          "distance"       
##  [5] "img_annotation"  "info"            "method_padj"     "models"         
##  [9] "n_bins_angle"    "n_bins_circle"   "results_primary" "results"        
## [13] "sample"          "summarize_with"  "bcsp_exclude"