1. Introduction

For a deeper into the results of the DEA one can look for gene sets that are enriched in the proposed clustering or created based on histology. SPATA2 implements the hypeR package which uses hypergeometric testing for enriched gene sets.

# load packages 

object_t275 <- downloadSpataObject(sample_name = "275_T")

# load clustering list
object_t275 <- 
    object = object_t275, 
    display_image = TRUE,
    clrp = "jco",
    pt_clrp = "jco"


object_t275 <- 
    object = object_t275, 
    feature_df = snn_clustering[["275_T"]],
    overwrite = TRUE

# histology only
plotSurface(object = object_t275, pt_alpha = 0)

# colored by clustering
plotSurface(object = object_t275, color_by = "snn")
Fig.1 Shared Nearest Neighbour clustering will be analyzed with GSEA.Fig.1 Shared Nearest Neighbour clustering will be analyzed with GSEA.

Fig.1 Shared Nearest Neighbour clustering will be analyzed with GSEA.

2. Running the analysis

The function runGSEA() conducts the computation. It requires the results from runDEA() which conducts the DE-analysis. By default, the function uses all gene sets that are saved in the spata2 object. If there are gene sets that you don’t want to test against you can provide a subsetted list of gene sets.

##        Class Available Gene Sets
## 1         BC                 289
## 2      BP.GO                7269
## 3      CC.GO                 972
## 4 Cell.types                   3
## 5         HM                  50
## 6      MF.GO                1581
## 7        New                   1
## 8       RCTM                1493

The default spata2 object contains a variety of gene sets.

gs_list <- getGeneSetList(object_t275)

## [1] 11658

For the sake of clarity, his example only uses Biocarta (BC) and Hallmark (HM) gene sets.

# subset gene sets that start with HM or BC
sub_vec <- str_detect(names(gs_list), pattern = "^HM|^BC")

gs_list_sub <- gs_list[sub_vec]

## [1] 339

Use argument gene_set_list if you want to provide a specific list of gene sets. Keep it empty if you want to test against all gene sets stored in the spata2 object.

3. Extracting results

The results can be manually extracted via the following functions.

getGseaResults() extracts a list of hypeR objects - on for each group. getGseaResultsDf() extracts a data.frame that results from merging the data of all hypeR objects together. The group belonging of each gene set is saved in the variable/column that is named according to the grouping variable - here snn.

  object = object_t275, 
  across = "snn",
  method_de = "wilcox", 
  n_gsets = 20 # extract top 20 most significant gene sets
## # A tibble: 160 x 10
## # Groups:   snn [8]
##    snn   label          pval      fdr signature geneset overlap background hits 
##    <fct> <fct>         <dbl>    <dbl>     <int>   <int>   <int>      <int> <chr>
##  1 0     HM_EPITHE~ 3.30e-19 1.10e-16       272     195      26      21441 COL5~
##  2 0     HM_ANGIOG~ 8.3 e- 9 1.4 e- 6       272      34       8      21441 POST~
##  3 0     HM_COMPLE~ 2.20e- 8 2.40e- 6       272     190      15      21441 ADAM~
##  4 0     HM_CHOLES~ 2.8 e- 8 2.40e- 6       272      73      10      21441 ALDO~
##  5 0     HM_COAGUL~ 4.30e- 8 2.90e- 6       272     120      12      21441 TIMP~
##  6 0     HM_GLYCOL~ 1   e- 6 5.10e- 5       272     190      13      21441 PKM,~
##  7 0     HM_APICAL~ 1.10e- 6 5.10e- 5       272     191      13      21441 ITGB~
##  8 0     HM_TNFA_S~ 6   e- 6 2.5 e- 4       272     190      12      21441 F3,J~
##  9 0     HM_UV_RES~ 1.3 e- 5 4.9 e- 4       272     141      10      21441 ANXA~
## 10 0     BC_PLATEL~ 2.3 e- 5 7.8 e- 4       272      14       4      21441 COL4~
## # i 150 more rows
## # i 1 more variable: overlap_perc <dbl>

4. Plotting results

Gene set enrichment results can be visualized via dot plots. This can be either done by group with by_group = TRUE or merged for all groups. Figure 2 visualizes the enrichment for cluster 0 and 5 highlighting the hypoxia associated activity in this area.

  object = object_t275,
  across = "snn",
  across_subset = c("0", "5"),
  n_gsets = 10,
  by_group = TRUE, 
  transform_with = list(fdr = log10),
  nrow = 2
Fig.2 Dot plot to display GSEA results by group.

Fig.2 Dot plot to display GSEA results by group.

Using by_group = FALSE the results are merged to one plot. Note that GSEA did not result in any enrichment fo cluster 1 and 3. This might be due to the reduced number of gene sets among which no enriched one was found or due to a low number of upregulated genes.

  object = object_t275,
  across = "snn",
  across_subset = as.character(0:5),
  n_gsets = 7,
  pt_alpha = 0.8,
  transform_with = list(fdr = log10),
  by_group = FALSE # merge in one plot
Fig.3 Merged GSEA dot plot.

Fig.3 Merged GSEA dot plot.