1. Prerequisites


2. Introduction

Spatial transcriptomic output comes with a histology image of the dissolved tissue. Apart from visualization of barcode-spot features on the image SPATA2 offers many functions for histology specific analysis. Therefore, detailed interaction between image dimensions and extent and barcode-spot positions in form of data coordinates is required.

This vignette is split in two parts. The first one introduces the basic functions that ensure alignment between image and barcode-spot coordinates and that allow to exchange low- and high resolution image that come with any 10X Visium output.

The second part goes beyond what is necessary to deal with the 10X Visium output and explains in depth how images are stored and dealt with.

3. Basic image handling

The easiest way to load the images of the spatial-folder from the 10X Visium output in the spata2 object is to use the initiateSpataObject_10X(). It handles everything. Click here to download the outs folder of the sample #UKF336, a primary glioblastoma, which will be used throughout this vignette.

# unzip the downloaded folder and store it under this directory
# (alternatively, change the code and adjust it to the directory of your choice)
directory_to_10X <- "data\\10XVisium\\#UKF336_T_P"

object_t336 <- 
    directory_10X = directory_to_10X, 
    sample_name = "UKF336T", 
    image_name = "tissue_lowres_image.png" # defaults to "tissue_lowres_image.png"

3.1 Extracting image data

To obtain the image, that is currently set as well as meta information there exist several functions prefixed with getImage*(). To name a few:

# the image 
## Image 
##   colorMode    : Color 
##   storage.mode : double 
##   dim          : 572 600 3 
##   frames.total : 3 
##   frames.render: 1 
## imageData(object)[1:5,1:6,1]
##           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]      [,6]
## [1,] 0.9647059 0.9647059 0.9647059 0.9647059 0.9647059 0.9647059
## [2,] 0.9647059 0.9647059 0.9647059 0.9647059 0.9647059 0.9647059
## [3,] 0.9647059 0.9607843 0.9647059 0.9647059 0.9647059 0.9647059
## [4,] 0.9647059 0.9647059 0.9647059 0.9647059 0.9647059 0.9647059
## [5,] 0.9647059 0.9647059 0.9647059 0.9647059 0.9686275 0.9686275

# image dimensions in width, height and colors
## [1] 572 600   3

# image range in terms of data coordinates
## $x
## [1]   0 572
## $y
## [1]   0 600

# directory / object from where the currently set image was read in 
## [1] "data\\10XVisium\\#UKF336_T_P/spatial/tissue_lowres_image.png"

Normally, image and coordinates are perfectly aligned after reading everything in.

plotSurface(object_t336, pt_alpha = 0.5) + 
  ggpLayerThemeCoords(unit = "px")
Fig.1 Image and coordinates are perfectly aligned.

Fig.1 Image and coordinates are perfectly aligned.

If this is not the case with your sample check out section 4. Spatial transformations of this vignette to read more about how SPATA2 deals with spatial linear image transformations.

3.2 High and low resolution

In case of 10X Visium data sets, every spatial folder contains at least two images usually named tissue_lowres_image.png and tissue_highres_image.png. A spata2 object only carries one image at a time. It defaults to read in the low resolution image. To facilitate switching between high and low resolution image specific directories can be stored in the spata2 object. initiateSpataObject_10X() automatically sets the directories for low resolution and high resolution.

## [1] "data\\10XVisium\\#UKF336_T_P/spatial/tissue_lowres_image.png"
## [1] "data\\10XVisium\\#UKF336_T_P/spatial/tissue_hires_image.png"

The source of the image that is currently read in can be obtained via getImageOrigin(). To switch between image versions use the loadImage*() functions.

high_res_obj <- loadImageHighres(object_t336)

high_res_img <- plotSurface(high_res_obj, pt_alpha = 0.5)

low_res_obj <- loadImageLowres(object_t336)

low_res_img <- plotSurface(low_res_obj, pt_alpha = 0.5)

# plot results 
high_res_img + 
  ggpLayerThemeCoords(unit = "px") +
  labs(subtitle = "High res.")

low_res_img +
  ggpLayerThemeCoords(unit = "px") + 
  labs(subtitle = "Low res.")
Fig.2 The same image in different resolutions. `loadImage*()` takes care of the alignment.Fig.2 The same image in different resolutions. `loadImage*()` takes care of the alignment.

Fig.2 The same image in different resolutions. loadImage*() takes care of the alignment.

Note: Different image resolutions come with a different number of pixels. Coordinate based data such as coordinates of the barcode-spots, spatial trajectories, image annotations etc. have to be scaled and the pixel scale factor must be adjusted. The loadImage*() functions do that automatically!

3.3 Additional images

Different imaging techniques allow to store more than just images of different resolution. In our example, we imaged the tissue immediately after surgical extraction with RAMAN spectroscopy. To store directories of additional images to the images the spata2 objects knows use the addImageDir() function.

object_t336 <- 
    object = object_t336, 
    dir = file.path(directory_to_10X, "spatial", "raman_tissue_hires_image.tif"), 
    name = "raman_spectr" # name of the image with which to refer to it in the future

In general, all directories known to the spata2 object can be obtained via getImageDirectories().

##                                                                                                                     default 
##                                                              "data\\10XVisium\\#UKF336_T_P/spatial/tissue_lowres_image.png" 
##                                                                                                                      lowres 
##                                                              "data\\10XVisium\\#UKF336_T_P/spatial/tissue_lowres_image.png" 
##                                                                                                                     highres 
##                                                               "data\\10XVisium\\#UKF336_T_P/spatial/tissue_hires_image.png" 
##                                                                                                                raman_spectr 
## "C:\\Informatics\\R-Folder\\Packages\\SPATA2\\vignettes\\data\\10XVisium\\#UKF336_T_P/spatial/raman_tissue_hires_image.tif"

To use load them as the current background image use loadImage() and refer to them by name.

object_t336 <- loadImage(object_t336, name = "raman_spectr")

raman_image <- 
    object = object_t336,
    unit = "mm", 
    xrange = c("1.5mm", "6.5mm"),
    yrange = c("1.5mm", "6.5mm")
    ) + 
  labs(subtitle = "Image zoomed in")

raman_surface <- 
  plotSurface(object_t336, pt_alpha = 0.5) + 
  labs(subtitle = "Image with barcode spots")

# plot results

raman_surface + 
  ggpLayerThemeCoords(unit = "px")+ 
  labs(subtitle = "RAMAN Spectroscopy")
Fig.3 Different images of the same tissue.Fig.3 Different images of the same tissue.

Fig.3 Different images of the same tissue.

To go back to the image you initiated the object with use loadImageDefault().

object_t336 <- loadImageDefault(object_t336)

## [1] "data\\10XVisium\\#UKF336_T_P/spatial/tissue_lowres_image.png"

4. Spatial transformations

To align image and barcode-spot coordinates spatial transformations such as flipping, rotating and scaling might become necessary.

4.1 Applying transformation of images

To align an image with coordinates spatial transformation can become necessary. The flipImage(), rotateImage() functions do that. Note that the <transformation>Image() functions only affect the image! In case of already aligned image and coordinates a simple call to <transformation>Image() interferes with the alignment.

4.1.1 Flipping

To show the usage of flipImage() we read in a badly aligned image. Note that exchangeImage() is the working horse behind all loadImage*() functions. It reads in the image and performs all the necessary transformation and scaling step to keep image and coordinates aligned.

# create bad alignment manually
object_t336_flipped_bad <-
    object = object_t336,
    image = str_c(directory_to_10X, "\\spatial\\tissue_lowres_image_bad_alignment_flipped.png")

# image is flipped and not aligned with coordinates
plotSurface(object_t336_flipped_bad, pt_alpha = 0.5) +
  ggpLayerThemeCoords(unit = "px")
Fig.4 Image is not aligned with coordinates and must be flipped along the vertical axis.

Fig.4 Image is not aligned with coordinates and must be flipped along the vertical axis.

Applying flipImage() on a bad aligned image fixes the alignment.

object_t336_flipped_fixed <- 
    object = object_t336_flipped_bad,
    axis = "vertical"

plotSurface(object_t336_flipped_fixed, pt_alpha = 0.5) +
  ggpLayerThemeCoords(unit = "px")
Fig.5 Image and coordinates are aligned after spatial transformation.

Fig.5 Image and coordinates are aligned after spatial transformation.

4.2 Spatial transformation of the whole object

Assuming that image and coordinates are aligned you do not want to use flipImage() to change the justification of the surface plots as flipImage() only flips the image and lets spatial aspects as they are. To transform image and coordinates alike use flipAll(), rotateAll() and scaleAll().

object_t336_flipped <- flipAll(object = object_t336, axis = "horizontal")

plotSurface(object_t336_flipped, pt_alpha = 0.5) + 
  ggpLayerThemeCoords(unit = "px")
Fig.9 The whole dataset is flipped.

Fig.9 The whole dataset is flipped.

4.3 Tracking transformation of images

Changes in justification of the whole object are tracked. After initiation of the spata2 object the justification should look like this.

# default justification 
## $dim_input
## [1] 572 600   3
## $dim_stored
## [1] 572 600   3
## $img_scale_fct
## [1] 1
## $origin
## [1] "data\\10XVisium\\#UKF336_T_P/spatial/tissue_lowres_image.png"
## $angle
## [1] 0
## $flipped
## $flipped$horizontal
## [1] FALSE
## $flipped$vertical
## [1] FALSE

After performing spatial transformations it is tracked how the current state of the object deviates from the starting default.

object_t336_flipped <- flipAll(object_t336, axis = "horizontal")

img_obj_flipped <- getImageObject(object_t336_flipped)

## $dim_input
## [1] 572 600   3
## $dim_stored
## [1] 572 600   3
## $img_scale_fct
## [1] 1
## $origin
## [1] "data\\10XVisium\\#UKF336_T_P/spatial/tissue_lowres_image.png"
## $angle
## [1] 0
## $flipped
## $flipped$horizontal
## [1] TRUE
## $flipped$vertical
## [1] FALSE

Assuming that all images that belong to the tissue are stored with the same justification the justification state of the object can be compared to the image that should replace the current image and it can be adjusted automatically.

object_t336_flipped_low_res <- 
    object = object_t336_flipped, 
    adjust = TRUE # defaults to TRUE. Set to FALSE if you don't want automatic adjustment

# object image and coordinates remain flipped  
plotSurface(object_t336_flipped_low_res, pt_alpha = 0.5) + 
  ggpLayerThemeCoords(unit = "px")
Fig.10 The loaded image has been automatically adjusted by flipping it.

Fig.10 The loaded image has been automatically adjusted by flipping it.

4.4 Ensuring alignment between image and coordinate based aspects

Tracking changes in image justification is necessary, for instance, as coordinate based spatial aspects such as image annotations or spatial trajectories need to know in how far the current image deviates from their parent image in terms of justification and size.


img_ann_mt <- image_annotations$`336_T`$missing_tissue

## [1] "missing_tissue"

# image annotations contain information regarding how and where they were drawn
## $parent_id
## [1] "UKF336T"
## $parent_origin
## [1] "data\\Visium10X\\#UKF336_T_P\\outs/spatial/tissue_hires_image.png"
## $current_dim
## [1] 1908 2000
## $current_just
## $current_just$angle
## [1] 0
## $current_just$flipped
## $current_just$flipped$horizontal
## [1] TRUE
## $current_just$flipped$vertical
## [1] FALSE

object_t336 <- loadImageHighres(object_t336)

The image annotation was drawn on the high resolution version of the image and it was neither flipped nor rotated. Currently the spata2 object contains a flipped version of the low resolution image as is displayed below. While the image annotation is set its properties are compared to the current image and adjusted in terms of justification and scale.

object_t336_not_aligned <- 
    object = object_t336, 
    img_ann = img_ann_mt, 
    align = FALSE # no alignment

# that seems wrong 
no_alignment <-   
  plotImageGgplot(object_t336_not_aligned, unit = "px")+ 
  ggpLayerImgAnnOutline(object = object_t336_not_aligned, ids = "missing_tissue") +
  # allow plotting of observations outside of the tissue frame
  coord_fixed(xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL) + 
  labs(subtitle = "No alignment")

object_t336_aligned <- 
    object = object_t336, 
    img_ann = img_ann_mt,
    align = TRUE, # the default
    overwrite = TRUE

# that seems wrong 
with_alignment <-   
  plotImageGgplot(object_t336_aligned, unit = "px")+ 
  ggpLayerImgAnnOutline(object = object_t336_aligned, ids = "missing_tissue") +
  coord_fixed(xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL) +
  labs(subtitle = "With alignment")

# plot results
Fig.11 Image annotation that is added is automatically adjusted to changes in image justification.Fig.11 Image annotation that is added is automatically adjusted to changes in image justification.

Fig.11 Image annotation that is added is automatically adjusted to changes in image justification.

5. The image container

The S4 object in which data regarding the imaging of the tissue is stored is an object of class HistologyImaging. It contains several slots. Run ?HistologyImaging to find extensive documentation about what each slot is about.

hist_img <- HistologyImaging()

##  [1] "annotations"   "coordinates"   "dir_default"   "dir_highres"  
##  [5] "dir_lowres"    "dir_add"       "grid"          "id"           
##  [9] "image"         "image_info"    "justification" "meta"         
## [13] "misc"

The whole object can be obtained via getImageObject(). (Not to confuse with getImage() which only extracts the image itself.)

io <- getImageObject(object_t336)

## Formal class 'HistologyImaging' [package "SPATA2"] with 13 slots
##   ..@ annotations  : list()
##   ..@ coordinates  : tibble [2,280 x 11] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
##   .. ..$ x       : num [1:2280] 1510 576 1584 1397 1223 ...
##   .. ..$ y       : num [1:2280] 554 1526 814 922 705 ...
##   .. ..$ tissue  : int [1:2280] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##   .. ..$ row     : num [1:2280] 1800 1950 1840 1857 1823 ...
##   .. ..$ col     : num [1:2280] 60 310.2 40 90.1 136.8 ...
##   .. ..$ imagerow: num [1:2280] -36453 -10610 -29553 -26683 -32437 ...
##   .. ..$ imagecol: num [1:2280] 40148 15327 42126 37163 32539 ...
##   .. ..$ sample  : chr [1:2280] "UKF336T" "UKF336T" "UKF336T" "UKF336T" ...
##   .. ..$ section : chr [1:2280] "1" "1" "1" "1" ...
##   .. ..$ outline : logi [1:2280] TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
##   ..@ dir_default  : chr "data\\10XVisium\\#UKF336_T_P/spatial/tissue_lowres_image.png"
##   ..@ dir_highres  : chr "data\\10XVisium\\#UKF336_T_P/spatial/tissue_hires_image.png"
##   ..@ dir_lowres   : chr "data\\10XVisium\\#UKF336_T_P/spatial/tissue_lowres_image.png"
##   ..@ dir_add      :List of 1
##   .. ..$ raman_spectr: chr "C:\\Informatics\\R-Folder\\Packages\\SPATA2\\vignettes\\data\\10XVisium\\#UKF336_T_P/spatial/raman_tissue_hires_image.tif"
##   ..@ grid         : list()
##   ..@ id           : chr "UKF336T"
##   ..@ image        :Formal class 'Image' [package "EBImage"] with 2 slots
##   .. .. ..@ .Data    : num [1:1908, 1:2000, 1:3] 0.965 0.961 0.965 0.965 0.965 ...
##   .. .. ..@ colormode: int 2
##   .. .. ..$ dim: int [1:3] 1908 2000 3
##   ..@ image_info   :List of 4
##   .. ..$ dim_input    : int [1:3] 1908 2000 3
##   .. ..$ dim_stored   : int [1:3] 1908 2000 3
##   .. ..$ img_scale_fct: num 1
##   .. ..$ origin       : chr "data\\10XVisium\\#UKF336_T_P/spatial/tissue_hires_image.png"
##   ..@ justification:List of 2
##   .. ..$ angle  : num 0
##   .. ..$ flipped:List of 2
##   .. .. ..$ horizontal: logi FALSE
##   .. .. ..$ vertical  : logi FALSE
##   ..@ meta         : list()
##   ..@ misc         :List of 1
##   .. ..$ VisiumV1:List of 5
##   .. .. ..$ origin       : chr "VisiumV1"
##   .. .. ..$ scale.factors:List of 4
##   .. .. .. ..$ spot    : num 0.125
##   .. .. .. ..$ fiducial: num 208
##   .. .. .. ..$ hires   : num 0.125
##   .. .. .. ..$ lowres  : num 0.0376
##   .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "scalefactors"
##   .. .. ..$ assay        : chr "Spatial"
##   .. .. ..$ spot.radius  : num 0.013
##   .. .. ..$ key          : chr "slice1_"
##   ..$ scale_factors: list()