Information about the object's initiation is stored in a list of three slots:

  • init_fn: Contains the name of the initation function as a character value.

  • input: Contains a list of which every slot refers to the input of one argument with which the initiation function has been called.

  • time: Contains the time at which the object was initiated.

getInitiationInput() returns only slot input.


getInitiationInput(object, verbose = NULL)



A valid spata-object.


Logical. If set to TRUE informative messages regarding the computational progress will be printed.

(Warning messages will always be printed.)


A list. See description.


initiateSpataObject_CountMtr() and initiateSpataObject_ExprMtr() each require a matrix and a coordinate data.frame as input. These are not included in the output of this function but can be obtained via getCoordsDf() and getCountMtr() or getExpressionMtr().